What’s the correct way to scrap a mic stand?

Was it the heat? Is there something in the body or in the mind of Rammstein singer Till Lindemann that has recently made him go berserk on stage? Did he have an aggro flash…!?

Questions upon questions that Rammstein fans are asking themselves after the concert in the Polish capital of Warsaw, both analogue and digital.

What happened?

As is well known, the regular live performance of “Pussy” includes the gigantic penis foam cannon, which Lindemann mounts according to rotation and rides on it like Baron von Münchhausen used to do (this one, however, on a cannonball). The Provo shock number was also part of the rehearsed repertoire at the Warsaw gig.

But before the stage penis could wet the front rows of fans with water, Lindemann worked on his microphone stand. And smashed this one.

The band plays said track in rank and file with proper sound banging, but after the second “Pussy” verse Lindemann suddenly freaks out and releases pent-up anger on the innocent metal bar.

It finally buckles and falls to the ground, as if struck by lightning. On top of that. Lindemann literally stamps the part – full of hooligan. Only then does he swing back into normal mode and mount his “Shocking” phallic foam cannon.

International Rammstein experts have long been discussing this remarkable incident. Comparisons with other concerts on the current tour through stadiums and multi-purpose halls show no such anomalies. The management has not yet commented on the “Warsaw incident”. For the time being, an unofficial statement from those close to Rammstein in Berlin remains: “Well, pfft. One will be allowed to freak out; or….!?”
