“What’s so unclear about this?”

Jaana Saarinen considers it important that the love stories of older people are also brought out in popular culture. The hero actor is also worried about how diversity is treated in Finland.

There is a lot of buzz in the yard of the old Sipoola village school. They are running The love story of a madman -film descriptions. Supervisor Mika Kaurismäki observes the work of the actors behind the camera and gives them instructions.

Soon someone from the work group shouts that the meal break has started.

Jaana Saarinen arrives for the interview in her long summer dress.

In the new film, he plays the Mind-numbingHeikki Kinnusen) object of love, Saimia. Love stories of elderly people are not seen so often in domestic films. Saarinen points out that love does not look at age.

– Love is love. The love of the elderly is rarely shown, but it is an important thing, he sums up.

Jaana Saarinen is an actress known to many Finns from the series Salatut elämat. Henri Kärkkäinen

The public has been discussing racism in Finnish society for a long time. Especially the prime minister Petteri Orpon The (kok) government has repeatedly been the target of accusations of racism.

Saarinen tells Iltalehte that he participated in the anti-racism demonstration organized last weekend.

– It was a very good experience to be in that huge group that marched there.

– Of course, it’s sad that such a thing still has to be reacted to in such a big way. What is so unclear about that we are all human?

Saarinen says that the discussion of racism has aroused a wide range of emotions in him. The idea that another person is inferior because of this difference does not fit into his own world of thought.

– How would that (difference) change the fact that he is not human? Saarinen states.

Iikka Forss (in the middle) and Ville Tiihonen play the sons of Mielsäpahoidat in the movie. Henri Kärkkäinen

Autumn in Kuusamo

The 68-year-old actor has had a long career both on television and on theater stages. He starred in the lead role Sampa Batalin directing Mum– in the film, which also brought him a Jussi nomination in 2020.

After the heartbreaker, Saarinen is already heading to a new project.

– I’m going to Kuusamo Näyttämö to direct Panic-play. At the same time, we are already training for next spring My name is Susanna – presentation. I have a really good time there.

The warm September day offered a good description for the work group. Henri Kärkkäinen

Saarinen’s children have already flown out of their nest. His son, Sampsa Tuomala, is also an actor. Family means a lot to Saarinen.

– I spend time with my children whenever we can. My children are adults, so they too have their own lives, but yes, I’m there to see when someone is coming to visit.

How does the hero actor relax in everyday life?

– I go swimming, travel around the world, give lectures and watch a lot of movies and TV series.

What kind of things do you usually talk about in your lectures?

– We think an awful lot about what others think of us. We start assuming and thinking things that the other person is thinking this or that because they looked at me so strangely. We should free ourselves from this (thinking), Saarinen continues.

– For me, freedom is an awfully big thing.

This is how the working group is filming the latest Mielsänpahoitat’s love story movie in the yard of the village school in Sipo. Henri Kärkkäinen

Pertti Sveholm, known from the Kämppiset series, was in a happy mood during the filming. Henri Kärkkäinen

Not for Facebook

Heikki Kinnunen is sitting on the bench wearing his familiar fur cap. For the third time, the 77-year-old actor is playing the beloved Finn.

According to Kinnusen, the popularity of the film series is a relatable character.

– The mind blowing is so true. This is how we old men are: “Everything was better before.”

In Heikki Kinnusen’s opinion, the hardest thing about shooting days is the long breaks. Henri Kärkkäinen

Kinnunen says that he owns a smartphone, but he is not interested in social media such as Tiktok.

– I’m not interested, and I’m not looking into it. Not interested at all.

So you can’t see the annoying person on Tiktok?

– I do not believe. At least not Heikki Kinnu or Mielsähoittää, he laughs.

Actress Ona Huczkowski is one of today’s rising movie stars. He got to act with Heikki Kinnusen for the first time. Henri Kärkkäinen

For director Mika Kaurismäki, this is already the second Mielsäpahoidat film. Henri Kärkkäinen
