What’s new, on Rai 2 the new program with Ilaria D’Amico | iO Donna

C.he there is new? He explains it Ilaria D’Amicoat the helm of the new and namesake in-depth program of Rai 2, broadcast tonight at 9.20pm. A bet for the network and also for the presenter, who returns to Rai after several years and faces the second channel of state television for the first time.

What’s newthe program

In the promo, D’Amico briefly anticipates the objective of the format. «Every day ideas are born, stories are born, people are born. And then governments, emergencies, wars are also born, but also hopes and dreams. We tell the changing world. We tell everything new there is“.

The focus is, therefore, the pressing topicality. A look at everyday life, to show, analyze and comment on what is happening in society. What’s new was born from an idea of ​​Alessandro Sortino and aims to give space not only to the main topicwhich takes center stage on TV, in newspapers and on social media, but also on minor issues. Facts or events sometimes less told, equally worthy of attention. Ilaria D’Amico has the task of managing the ranks of the various elements that make up the format, as well as interviewing the guests who alternate in the studio.

Ilaria D’Amico in Milan at the Rai 2022-2023 schedules. (IPA)

Cast and previews of the first episode

TO distinguish What’s new from a common in-depth program is the inclusion of some new elementswhich recall the genre talent show. In every episode the story of current events is dampened by short monologues – entrusted to ordinary people who offer their testimony -, interviews and reports. These contents are submitted to the attention of one jury, made up of four regular guestsin charge of discussing and judging the episode topics.

A kind of “Talent show of ideas”, announces Rai, and who knows if for once the TV will be able to propose a comparison without slipping into the logic of talent. That is dialectical clashes in which voices often overlap and which rarely lead to a solution. Those in charge of the arduous task are Francesco Giubilei, Gerardo Greco, Valentina Petrini and Stefano Zurlothe travel companions of the hostess.

Gerardo Greco he has been absent from Rai screens since 2017, when he conducted Agora. In 2018 the short partnership with Mediaset arrived, and then migrated, in 2020, to La7, where he participated in The air on Sundayspin off de The air that pullsconducted by Myrta Merlino. Valentina Petrini back on Rai 2 four years after the closure of Nemo, current affairs program that he conducted together with Enrico Lucci. In 2019 she landed on Nove with Fake – The news factory.

At the heart of the first date, the war in Ukraine. Among the various services offered, an exclusive reportage from Russia. The gaze then shifts to the new Italian political structure, therefore to the birth of the first government led by a woman, Giorgia Meloni. In addition, several are expected guestsamong which Guido Maria Brera, Ferruccio de Bortoli, Maurizio Landini and the actor and director Kim Rossi Stuartcurrently in promotion for the release of the new film, Brado.

Ilaria D’Amico on Rai 2 with “What’s new”. (IPA)

Ilaria D’Amico’s return to Rai

The debut of What’s new corresponds to the beginning of the new television season of Rai 2, as part of the in-depth study. It also corresponds to the return of Ilaria D’Amico to Rai. His last experience for the Viale Mazzini company dates back to seventeen years ago, with Timbuktudissemination program, focused on the world of animals and broadcast on Rai 3.

After that she became one of the faces of La7, where she drove Exit – Emergency exitbut the most important experience up to now and which has consecrated it is the one gained on Sky. His arrival dates back to 2003, when he debuted on Sky Sport with Sky Soccer Showconducted until 2018.

While in, was the face of the 2006 World Cup, hostess of UEFA Euro 2016 and Champions Leagueairing until 2020 on Sky Sports. A partnership that lasted almost twenty years, interrupted to go back to the origins. The first television experiencein fact, it dates back at the end of the 90sneither The carousel of goalson Rai International, followed in 1998 by 1998 World Cup. In 2001, however, the first infotainment program arrives, Let’s start summer wellbroadcast on Rai 3.

Ilaria D’Amico and partner Gigi Buffon. (Getty Images)

Love with Gigi Buffon

Shy and reserved, Ilaria D’Amico belongs to the group of presenters who do not like to talk about each other and let their work do the talking. However, for years she was in spite of her at the center of the national news both because of the successes obtained and because of her private life.

After breaking up with ex-husband Rocco Attisani, with whom she had her first son Pietro, in 2013 he started a relationship with the footballer Gigi Buffon, to which it is still linked today. In 2016 they became parents of Leopoldo Mattia.

