“What’s he still doing on the radio?”

Fidan Ekiz does not understand at all that the public broadcaster continues to reward Giel Beelen with such prominent broadcasting places on the radio. “The superficiality!” the TV diva bellows.

© De Vooravond (l), Annemieke van der Togt (r)

Giel Beelen started the year with a major setback: he had to stop selling his life-threatening Shambala drops immediately. The radio DJ risked that users would become paralyzed by selling it, it said. Incredibly reckless, Fidan Ekiz thinks.

Record holder

Fidan recently lashed out at Giel in a radio program on NPO Radio 1, but most people have missed that. What exactly did she say? “My annoyance is not only that he apologizes and says he didn’t know, but my problem with Giel Beelen is that he is the record holder for making excuses.”

Those sorry’s from Giel are Fidan’s nose. “How many times has this man had to apologize? Earlier because he appealed to women to hold a can with their breasts, he said that fat people don’t take good care of themselves and he previously made monkey noises and then said: ‘Take it easy, Sylvana Simons.’”

“Just think!”

The incidents continue, Fidan said. And on all those occasions he has apologized. I think: either you shout something and you stand by it or you just don’t do it.”

“The annoying thing is: this man earns a lot of money and I’m really not in favor of canceling people and you name it, but I do think: what possesses people to constantly give him such a primetime radio program? Because what exactly is his merit? It just annoys me. Just think before you shout. The superficiality!”


The angry Fidan about Giel’s behavior:


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