What you should know about gaining muscle mass without eating animal protein

02/11/2023 at 16:24


More and more people are opting for plant-based diets

You can gain muscle mass even if you eat vegetable proteins

They are increasingly common plant-based diets, those that dispense with animal proteins for ethical and sustainability reasons. However, a problem usually resides in the difficulty of increasing muscle mass without eating certain foods. It is the problem that protein is an easy macronutrient to incorporate into animal diets, but it is not so much in those based on plants and vegetables. How can this problem be corrected?

One possibility is to take more amount of vegetable food and grams of protein, since in this way we compensate for the lower quality of this type of protein present in those diets based on plants. Scientists are aware that less animal protein is needed to elicit the same protein synthesis response as plant protein..

On the other hand, it is advisable to mix different proteins of plant origin to shape a more balanced amino acid profile. Thus, brown rice is low in lysine but high in methionine; peashowever, backwards: they are high in lysine and low in methinonine. If you eat a dish with these two foods, both amino acids are mixed and you get a balanced menu.

And of course, you can always resort to supplements to solve the deficiencies of vegetable proteins.
