What will be the expected return of Mirtha Legrand

On Saturday, September 17, Mirtha Legrand returns to television in what will be her 54th season. The first program will be a “mesaza” at night and Juana Viale will conduct lunch the following Sunday. After the mystery about who would sit at the first broadcast of the most famous table on Argentine television, the journalist Guido Záffora announced in “Es por ahi” (América TV) that it would be Camila Homs, the influencer and former partner of soccer player Rodrigo De Paul. But the big surprise is the call on social networks that the diva and her granddaughter launched, so that their followers can fulfill the dream of participating in the iconic program. “But they have to have a story to tell. The networks have become a means of communication so there may be a lot to match there,” said Juana Viale. the hashtag is #I want to be in the table.

Both Mirtha and her granddaughter are very excited about the return. However, the negotiations to make it possible were hard-fought. As she reported, the conditions demand that the channel must guarantee a successful product before its two programs, and an increase in the contract for both Nacho Viale and Artear. Finally, an agreement was reached between Nacho Viale, Mirtha’s grandson and producer, and Adrián Suar, El Trece’s programming manager.

“I gave my life to this profession so that the problem today is money,” said the driver at a press conference she gave at the premiere of Piaf alongside Suar. The channel needs the television product hosted by Legrand and Juana Viale to strengthen its Saturday nights and compete directly with “We can talk” and on Sundays at noon and face “the Rock of Morfi”.

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Although the long-awaited return finally occurs, Mirtha had already made public appearances, after a long break due to some health problems. For example, last month when she attended a performance of the musical “Come from away” with her great-grandchildren. She but she surprised everyone when she appeared in the unusual promotion of “House of the Dragon”. The producer had the originality to summon Mirtha to promote the premiere of the series written by George RR Martin on the streaming platform, which is the prequel to the successful “Game of Thrones”. The promotion went viral and sparked thousands of memes on social networks. “And remember, as I always tell you. How they see you, they treat you. If they see you badly, they mistreat you. And if they see you well, they want to steal your throne”, Mirtha closed, re versioning her historic phrase.

Mirtha on the promo set for “House of Dragon”.

And about queens and thrones, Mirtha’s last statements were about the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Moved, Mirtha said: “She was a great queen, but I cannot forget that in the Malvinas War she was reigning. I can not forget it. A very sad moment for all.”said the diva.

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