What to Learn from Millennials Investing

Millennials are the generation born between the early 1980s and late 1990s. Because she places more value on self-realization and a better work-life balance, she is sometimes criticized as selfish or as “Generation Me”. But in the digital age, these young adults have some qualities that investors can learn from them.

technology affinity

Millennials tend to be well educated and often have college degrees. In addition, they grew up with the Internet and mobile communication, so they are very tech-savvy. This gives them an advantage over members of previous generations – the Boomers and Generation X.

Timely access to information is very important, especially when investing in the stock market. Apps such as those from finanzen.net can help here. Something as simple as a timely push notification can make or break a stock trade. Millennials are taking advantage of the smartphone age to make financial decisions.


A commonly used term for Millennials is also “Generation Y”. The letter Y is also pronounced “why” in English. Appropriately, the members of this generation should tend to question things.

For example, in financial matters, they strive to understand the market. To do this, they gather the relevant information online.

When it comes to investing, they also rely more on the Internet than on classic banks. They use online platforms for trading, but not without getting to know them beforehand using a sample portfolio in order to gain knowledge and experience.

Increased need for security

Some studies also attribute a strong desire for security to millennials. This is also not surprising, after all, they have not only the financial and euro crisis, but also experienced the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In the face of such uncertainties, they probably wish for more stability and security in life. In this way, however, they have also learned to deal with uncertainties, to probe and use tactics.

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Image sources: Inga Ivanova / Shutterstock.com, Lichtmeister / Shutterstock.com
