What to do if you have a positive corona test on vacation?

A scratchy throat, a slight cold and then – a positive corona test in the middle of vacation. What to do now? Experts provide answers.

The shock should be great if the rapid test shows a second line on vacation or the official corona test clearly shows: positive. In view of the rapidly increasing number of cases caused by Omikron, infection with Sars-CoV-2 is possible at any time, even when travelling.

What happens if you test positive while traveling depends on various factors – such as which country you are in and the severity of the symptoms. It is also important whether the trip is organized by an organizer or whether you are traveling individually.

The most important questions and their answers:

Who will even find out about my corona infection?

Of course, nobody automatically notices anything about the self-test. “But if you go to a test station, I have to expect that the positive result will be reported to the authorities. Just like the health department in Germany,” says Thorsten Muth from the Tübingen company A3M, a service provider for crisis and early warning information for travel worldwide.

Some countries require a test immediately after entry. If this is positive, government agencies are usually informed directly. According to Muth, this is the case in Thailand and Abu Dhabi, for example.

“Then I may have to go into state-controlled quarantine,” says the travel professional. This can usually only be avoided or shortened by a negative corona test. “So there is a risk here of missing the holiday.” Or at least part of it.

MAccording to Muth, the countries deal differently with a positive official test during the holiday.

▶︎ So got it in Spain There are hotlines that those affected should call, reports the expert.

▶︎In Portugal had been contacted by the authorities. But those who have themselves officially tested and only provide their e-mail address can usually hardly be traced by the authorities.

▶︎ With a positive self-test, you “possibly just fall through the cracks,” Muth suspects.

▶︎ In some countries, people with symptoms are only advised to isolate themselves. An official test is often not possible if the follow-up capacities are insufficient due to the large number of cases. How to deal with the positive test result is therefore often a question of conscience.

Who will take care of me if the test is positive?

Many travelers with a positive self-test result are unlikely to have any contact with the authorities.

Anyone who has booked a package holiday is primarily responsible for the tour operator.

The organizers are guided by the requirements of the destination country.

▶︎ Tui, for example, claims to bring guests who have tested positive to the Turkey, Greece and Italy in a special wing of the hotel or in a quarantine hotel. In Spain, Austria and Germany on the other hand, the guest can stay in his room for quarantine.

▶︎ The organizer Studiosus from Munich assures that affected guests would be isolated and “comprehensively looked after”. “For example, we make sure that our guest gets enough food,” says authorized officer Edwin Doldi. Flight rebookings are also taken care of, should these become necessary.

What do I do if I’m traveling individually?

“Of course, we advise you to isolate yourself consistently,” says Thorsten Muth. The place for this is usually the hotel room. How to get your food is one of the first questions to be answered, which families in particular ask themselves. “The basic supply must be guaranteed,” says the expert. “If I have no other choice, I’ll inform the hotel.” The hotel then usually puts food in front of the door.

How long do I have to be officially in quarantine?

This differs per country.

The trend is generally towards shorter quarantine times – from fourteen to ten or seven days, for example.

“Sweden and Greece, for example, have only prescribed five days,” says Muth. “That makes a big difference. If I’m somewhere for three weeks, 14 days of quarantine is awesome, but I can sit out five days.”

also read

▶︎ When does my remaining leave expire?

▶︎ In these holiday countries, the vaccination certificate has an expiry date

Can I still leave my room with a mask in between?

Some may think to themselves: I am not endangering anyone on a walk all alone, even if I have tested positive. And getting food from a street vendor won’t be that bad either.

Travel doctor Prof. Thomas Jelinek from Berlin clears this up: “You can infect everyone you are in contact with.” Even if the risk of transmission outdoors with a mask may be very low, Jelinek advises against exceptions: “You can never quite sure what is happening out on the street.” Unpredictable contacts can always occur.

This means that self-isolation is best maintained consistently. There is a need for clarification with the hotel when the room is cleaned. Because then you shouldn’t be in the room.

Can I be prosecuted if I break the quarantine?

If you violate applicable regulations, absolutely, says Thorsten Muth. Violations are regulated by law in most countries. And they can get expensive.

In Switzerland, for example, the fine for violating the quarantine requirement can be up to CHF 5,000. A high price to pay for a quick trip to the supermarket.

The question is, of course, who is aware of such actions. Here, however, Muth advises caution: “Even if the quarantine is not strictly controlled in some countries, controls can still occur.”

What do I do when my return flight is due?

In case of doubt, the holiday is then extended involuntarily. This also applies to those who have not been vaccinated and whose compulsory test is positive when they return from a high-risk area.

The extra costs for new flights and additional hotel nights on site can be covered with special Covid travel insurance.

Organizers such as Tui, among others, offer such protection up to a certain maximum amount when booking, some of which are included.

How do I prepare for a serious illness?

Omicron infection is not always mild. If a hospital stay is necessary, it can quickly become expensive.

Good health insurance for travel abroad, which also covers illness with Corona, protects holidaymakers from high costs here.

When am I no longer contagious?

Of course, it is important that you no longer have any symptoms of illness. And then the question is: when will the test finally be negative?

“You should be symptom-free for two days before you can be tested again,” advises travel medicine specialist Jelinek. Then the probability increases significantly that the test is negative.

Important here: Even with a very weak second line in the result field, one is still positive in case of doubt. In general, according to Jelinek: “You are particularly contagious in the first few days of the disease.” As the disease progresses, the viral load decreases significantly.
