What the opposition said after Guzmán’s resignation in 20 tweets

“The resignation of Minister Guzmán shows the fight between the president and the vice president. We are going to continue on our path, which is to offer Argentines a profound change”, tweeted the president of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich behind the resignation of the Minister of Economy, Martin Guzmanyesterday afternoon.

“The president and vice president continue pushing the country into the abyss. The resignation of Minister Guzmán has to do with the internal ones that destroy the hope of the Argentine people. Look for the direction, understand that there is a town that does not give more. A whole country demands responsibility from them”, added the governor of Jujuy and head of the UCR, Gerardo Morales.

“Guzmán’s resignation is one more chapter in the irresponsibility of Alberto and Cristina. An aimless government that continues to destroy the present and the future of Argentines”, agreed the deputy and candidate for governor of Buenos Aires, Diego Santilli.

“One more example of improvisation of this government. Oh my God! Stop with the intern and dedicate yourself to solving people’s problems! *(it doesn’t matter when you read this tweet)”, pointed out the Larretista point guard Eduardo Machiavellialso on Twitter.

same line for Roberto Garcia Moritan, Buenos Aires legislator: “Two and a half years waiting for Guzmán’s economic plan and today we receive his resignation. The Argentines hostage once again of the Peronist intern and the kirchnerist incapacity”.

“I have been warning for a long time that the government is on a slide. Guzmán’s departure corroborates this. This is a moment of maximum tension. The president, Cristina Kirchner and the entire FdT must exercise sanity and act responsibly to move Argentina away from the abyss,” the Cordovan deputy wrote. mario nigri.

All in the same line of holding Alberto Fernández and the vice president responsible: Guzmán’s departure appeared as the consequence of the open internship. “Guzmán resigned while the boss gave her speech. Cristina is loading them one by one. Let the last one turn off the light”, mocked the deputy Gerard Milman, Bullrich side. “Alberto had him so much fear of CFK speech who threw Guzmán in the middle to cut off the transmission”, replied the president of the PRO block, Christian Ritondo.

But others understood that Minister Guzmán’s resignation was coming too late. “Guzmán’s inevitable end. He never had a plan to revive the economy. The agreement with the IMF was late and it missed the opportunity to do it in 2020 during the pandemic. He never dropped an idea,” he wrote. Miguel Angel Pichetto.

“Guzmán left applauding himself. He did not pay debt maturities and indebted the country at a record pace. It increased the deficit, abandoned energy self-sufficiency, generated unleashed inflation that increased poverty. Progressivism…” added the former senator Federico Pinedo.

“The clumsiness and lies of the K story: Isn’t it strange that Guzmán resigns just when the government itself claims to be going through a moment of extraordinary growth? It would be the first time that an economy minister has resigned at the height of growth. That’s how brutal they are,” he said. Alfredo Cornejo.

Ricardo Lopez Murphy agreed to highlight the same contradiction: “Never in history has an economy minister resigned in the middle of ‘a growth crisis‘. Guzmán resigns in the midst of the political, economic and social crisis of the fourth Kirchner government”.

For Nestor Grindetti, Mayor PRO of Lanús “the problem was not Guzmán”. “The problem is that there was never an economic plan. This government has no more room for improvisation, it has to show us a clear roadmap to Where is the Argentine economy going? Inflation is unstoppable and we live in anguish, ”she added through her Twitter account.

Finally, another round marked the unknown for the replacement and the new economic direction. “The resignation of @Martin_M_Guzman is logical but late. A minister who cannot order the resignation of a secretary is deprived of power. The problem is that almost certainly whoever happens will be worseespecially if Cristina imposes herself and places an inexperienced heterodox”, wrote the radical deputy Martin Tetaz.

“Now Guzmán is leaving. Make bets to guess who’s next. A shame, a country subjected to people who are not right in the head and who are leading us to collapse”, tweeted the ARI deputy, Paula Olivet. “The president was given permission to continue sitting in Rivadavia’s chair, since the control of the government by Kircherism is total. We can expect nothing good from his replacement.”, added the former radical deputy louis petri.

For the liberal deputy Joseph Louis Espertthe resignation of Martín Guzmán sealed the beginning of a new economic crisis: “The 2nd stage of the 8th Argentine crisis in 60 years”. “People are very bad because of inflation and the lack of opportunities, which lead to greater poverty”, he added Javier Milei, who took the opportunity to promote himself: “I want to tell you that there is a way out, but it requires expertise, reputation and courage to implement it. We can do it”.

“Guzmán’s failure, Alberto’s, Cristina’s. The one of Peronism. The one of populism. The real scorched earth is this”, concluded the former Minister of Culture, Paul Avelluto. The author of the book “Primer tiempo”, by Mauricio Macripointed in passing against his successor in said portfolio, Tristán Bauer, who coined the slogan “Scorched Earth” with which the Front of All campaigned in 2019.

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