What should we do with a peeing run-up cat?

Five years ago a cat came to us. We have not been able to find an owner. We decided to take the timid animal into our home. The cat began to feel comfortable. Our family now consists of a baby and a toddler. Since then, the cat (16 years old) has been continuously in the storage room and pees outside the box more and more: every night on the doormat (the hallway stinks permanently) and on our bed about once every three months. Education is not possible. What should we do with this cat? No one is happy with the situation, including the cat, we suspect.

Man (36), name known to the editors

Street daisies

We also picked up the street daisies and gave them a good home. One peed in the crates of children’s toys when he wasn’t allowed out, another wet the bed, the next did it on the doormat until we replaced it, and now uses the cushions in the conservatory when she’s alone for a long time.

Throw away everything she peed on. No chlorine, they like that smell, so that is suitable for the litter box. Not having a lid on the container for a while can also help. Use multiple bins.
Diana van Staalen (71), Oisterwijk

Cat village

In my hometown there is Stichting Kattendorp with the aim of offering stray cats and unplaceable shelter cats a permanent home. They have a fantastic terrain at their disposal where they receive the best care. And maybe there are more of these shelters elsewhere in the country, so that your starter cat can still grow old nicely.
Leontine de Koster (60), Harfsen

Second hand

My cats are always second-hand. Who wants a cat with a history that has something to do with it? More than ten years ago I visited Kattenzorg in The Hague because I wanted to share my house with a cat again. I came across a sweet cat, delivered by the previous owners with a poop problem behind the door and a lot of stress. Thanks to a therapist, the cat lived with me for ten beautiful years.
Betty van der Zande (63), Rijswijk

Flight animals

Cats are not only predators, but especially flight animals. Human love does not make a cat feel (more) safe; the most important thing is that a cat can self-soothe. This only happens if there is a safe place to flee to, out of reach of everything and everyone. A cat owner who does not have or does not provide these kinds of options at home makes it difficult for a cat to feel relaxed in the house. Many cats express their stress through urinating outside the box and other bladder problems. Annette Huiberts (55), Rotterdam (four cats)

Mad about him

Our dear Kees became nervous about expanding the family and we ended up crazy about him too. Moving animals.nl was a solution for us without feeling guilty. We are happy that Kees is now enjoying a carefree old age with someone who lives alone, has all the attention for him and also enjoys him.
Femke van Poelgeest (49), Edam

Always something to say

A cat that pees outside the box always has something to say. Check out the videos of cat whisperer Jackson Galaxy.
Laura Hoving (30), Hoogezand

Pissed off

Children are a big unexpected factor for some cats. They express this by hiding and urinating in other places. Then they are pissed off. Your cat was already potty trained, she knows how to do this. She tries to tell you something, but the circumstance does not change, so she perseveres. Research is needed into cystitis, bladder stones, bladder stones and kidney problems. And then an anti-stress medication or relocation to a quieter home.
Leonie Gooijer (43), Spierdijk, veterinarian

In two weeks: should I tell my girlfriend that I think her painting is vulgar?

My girlfriend and I have been living together for a year now. She has a great passion for painting. Since the move, in my opinion and that of others, a vulgar painting hangs in the middle of our living room. Friends and family have repeatedly said they find it provocative and inappropriate. I prefer to remove the artwork or not invite anyone to our home anymore. I’ve been less enthusiastic about my girlfriend’s work before and that ended in a fight. I know my girlfriend takes pride in her work and I don’t want to hurt her feelings. How would you handle this?
Man (26), name known to editors

Our question is: what would you do? Mail your answer (max. 110 words) before Monday 21 November to: [email protected]. Do you have a dilemma and would you like advice from other readers? Mail your problem (max. 110 words) to: [email protected]. Always state your full name, age and place of residence. The editors reserve the right to shorten contributions.
