What met the lerarentekort? Spread we vacancies not better than in Wallonia? How about invulboeken so duur? Flemish minister van Onderwijs Ben Weyts (N-VA) answered and asked | landlocked

Tomorrow is September 1st. Het school year says opnieuw van start. Flemish minister of Onderwijs Ben Weyts (N-VA) is a guest in the studio of VTM NIEUWS, waar hij al and vragen answered about het onderwijs.

KIJK. Minister Weyts replied to the question about the project:

Hoe gaat u het lerarentekort oplossen?

“That is the largest application for one of ours. Het lerarentekort is not unique to Vlaanderen. Kijk eens in the Netherlands. We want to create zijn. The job must be aantrekkelijker. We have extra values ​​for the empty spaces. We would also like to have a look at zij-instromers. So can je tien jaar anciënniteit meenemen. We gaan also introduce gastleeerkrachten, want vanishing vacatures with een beperkt aantal uren krijg je moeilijk ingevuld. We make it possible for the following people to make changes and know how to handle the menses.

Sommigen winds that zij-instromers het level omlaag halen. Hoe think u hereover?

“We offer het aan as an instrument om het tekort op te full. Would you like to have any other work done with a solution, then have a text. Je would like to introduce other menses in het onderwijs. Het blijft een keuze for directie. The priority for empty work with a diploma remains. So’n guest emptyness can never be widely known. Je moet iets doen om the leemtes ingevuld te krijgen om the existing empty krachten te relieve. When zij-instromers get their diploma, then they can’t be greatly benoemd and they can earn less than others can’t earn.”

What do you do about the empty spaces you own? Eén op de vijf wil ermee stop, so blijkt uit cijfers.

“We make extra possibilities, such as internet traffic and a number of fiets traffic. We would like to lose administrative burdens so that we can focus on the core task of the lessons. Vanaf dit schooljaar hebben we het vermoeden van kennheid ingevoerd. Wanneer ever traded as one other statement bent over a certain amount of the class room, then it should always be considered that the room has been traded. En not omgekeerd. This is due to be warned of empty spaces”

He comes as a statuut van leraar-specialist with extra loon. Is it because Ruzie died in the room suffering?

“It is a possibility that we are given a direct order from a modern person to be treated in advance. He is very well known qua didactiek en pedagogie, but in het hr-beleid he is de afgelopen decennia not allowed. I will make it possible for the vlakke loopbaan to break the door. Depending on the perspective and depending on the situation, there are specialists who can provide additional information. I think that it is possible in all sectors. Het onderwijsveld heeft nood aan een modern personelbeleid.”

Ouders complaints over the high demands of invulboeken. Wouldn’t we like to have the invulboeken down the aft?

“Ik zou zeggen ja, maar in dit land geldt de grondwettelijke onderwijsvrijheid. The koepels may be divided into two empty districts according to their own indications and prices. I did not bring any seeds, with the name of the koepels, and use them in designs. We have signed a quality alliance. Thanks to the digisprong we can more aan de slag go with digital media. We will print the prices and provide for less invulboeken. In the trend is indicated. Nog altijd heeft men een vrije keuze. I think that’s a lot less than the invulboeken zijn. The digital transition is still a thing of the past.”

What do you think about the power of the onderwijsinspectie? Leraars been punished as ze differently les will geven.

“We’re going to say that we don’t want to get away from criticism or pretpedagogy. We want de lat hoger leggen. The minimum doelen zijn we aan het herschrijven om meer te focuses op de essence: Nederlands en wiskunde. We have a compromise given by the omtrent het schrijven van the minimum doelen in de tweede and de derde graad secundair onderwijs. We can do that too for het basis specials. We also have a focus on the Netherlands and knowledge. It helps van de lestijd moet gaan naar de essentie.”

Why aren’t there better spreads in Wallonië de vacancies?

“As far as the empty dungeon is concerned, the wetenschappelijke evidentie not erg duidelijk. He treedt empty dungeon op na een long period of vacancy, but we didn’t know if that prices optedt. Door de vacancy terug te bring van negen to zeven weken, kan je niks winn. We’re sorry. The experts aren’t always there. I have given advice on the Vlaamse onderwijsraad. We do not want that to happen if we want to know what is going on in the Franse community. He zijn veel directies the eraan vasthouden. I understand that too.”

Which score geeft u zichzelf opt tien?

“Ik ga mezelf geen punten geven. I have the ambition to do so in the future. Depending on the number of regulations, the non-standard status is popular. I have an ambition. We gaan erin slagen. We were told later that the knowledge was lost and we were going to get more information. We lifted 208,000 empty cranes now. That’s a record.”

When u stop as minister, zou u voor de klas gaan staan?

“Yes, never mind. Zeker as Gastemperkraft.”
