“What magistrate, jurist or lawyer has advised Casado?”

The Chief Prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, Alexander Luzonhas decided to initiate investigation proceedings as a result of the complaints presented by three parliamentary groups (PSOE, Mas Madrid and United We Can) about alleged crimes of influence peddling and bribery in the purchase contract from the company Priviet Sportive of masks worth 1.5 million euros, in March 2020, in relation to which, according to the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusohis brother Tomas Diaz Ayusocharged 58,850 euros for obtaining the material in China.

consulted Alexander Luzon regarding the processing, he told EL PERIÓDICO DE CATALUNYA regarding the position of the state attorney general, Dolores Delgadoto whom the judicial associations have requested abstention in the event of ordering the opening of proceedings.

Luzón explained: “Abstained already. It is the normal functioning of the prosecution. Complaints arrive and I decide what is done. And logically I communicate it to the State Attorney General.” Judicial sources point out that there are new complaints, in this case from relatives of people deceased by covid-19 in residences in Madrid, which are also being sent to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.

Gain time

do you have expectations Paul Married and Teodoro Garcia Egea within their strategy of gaining time -by convening the National Board of Directors and postponing an extraordinary congress- to achieve through the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office what they have not achieved so far in their objective of putting an end to Diaz Ayuso? If they have them, they would reveal, according to the sources consulted in fiscal and judicial media, their complete orphanhood in this operation.

“What magistrate, jurist or lawyer advises Casado on this matter? It’s all a botched thing. Now they think of a indictment of Diaz Ayuso as a last resort. Come on, they don’t know what they’re talking about,” he adds.

In addition, who has signed the contract is the health adviser. The accusations, in any case, would be the result of a judicialization of the matter, once the investigation has been initiated and deepened. At the moment, these are open proceedings that are not directed against individuals or legal entities that seek to confirm or rule out the criminal significance of the events.

What if there is nothing?

But, what course can these investigative proceedings have?

Díaz Ayuso blew up the barrel of gunpowder that Casado and García Egea had been manipulating since September. That barrel contained data on “some” involvement of Tomas Diaz Ayuso in the mask contract. And also the intention of investigate by detective to see what else could be obtained. The idea that the first day gives twice was profitable for Díaz Ayuso. The subject of the contract passed into the background. Spying on her and blackmailing her took all the attention. Although it was she who was forced to confirm the collection of €58,850 by his brother, to which information about other contracts has been added.

“Unless new things come out, the complaints have little travel with the information already available,” says another fiscal source consulted. “For that reason, as he already did by blowing up the operation, Díaz Ayuso has come forward by announcing that he will send the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office the documentation & rdquor ;, he adds. Because there is nothing in that documentation.

Ayuso’s influence

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“In a influence peddling You have to prove the participation of the president or her influence for the award of the contract because one is not responsible for the relatives you have. If you can’t prove that she was aware or that she had any influence, it will be very difficult because there is no trace of anything. It smells terrible, but from a criminal point of view the smell doesn’t count. This is not the case john warhere they have not put an office to Tomas Diaz Ayuso“. Add.

Actually, Casado’s entire strategy has consisted of what the Anglo-Saxons call a ‘fishing expedition’. A fishing expedition based on some data obtained after the media and in the Madrid Assembly came out, in November 2021, the matter of the president’s brother.
