What is this strange creature? They find an “alien” body on a beach in Australia

is the new viral question what a campaign on the internet: “What is this strange creature?”. “It’s like one of those things you see when people say they’ve found aliens“. This is how he summed it up via stories Alex Tanthe neighbor who found her washed up on the shore a week ago during his morning beach walk along Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, Australia. A strange animal -he described it- with “human hands, lizard tail, opossum nose, and patches of black fur“.

The new enigma of ‘Fourth Millennium’ has already gone around the world: from Canada to India, from ‘Good Morning America’ to CNN. All the headlines speak of a “strange creature” with an “alien” look. “people need answers& rdquor ;, has been goading his discoverer on Instagram as if he were Charles Darwin preparing a theory. Thousands have come out from under the nets. There are those who swear that he is a “mini-chupa-goat“and even a”extinct marsupial“.

The experts they opt for less apocalyptic options: wallaby, tree kangaroo or, the one with the most followers, opossum. “A swollen, water-soaked brush-tailed possum that lost its fur & rdquor ;, has thrown at the internet betting table stephen johnson, associate professor at the University of Queensland. It is also the bet that Alex Tan Share as soon as you can on Instagram. In any case, the truth, as those of ‘X Files’, it’s still out there. “I think this is something that everyone is so interested in and we just want answers& rdquor ;, Tan concluded to CBS News.
