What is there to do in Drenthe this weekend?

From farm wedding to body painting competition and from chamber choir to Celtic festival. Drenthe is full of activities this weekend. Staying at home is a shame this weekend.

Fancy a wedding and going back a hundred years? Then you can visit the De Karstenhoeve museum farm in Ruinerwold on Saturday between 11 am and 4 pm. During Boerendrokte, the entire day is devoted to the marriage of the son of the Karsten family to the mayor’s daughter. In addition to the farmer’s wedding, there is plenty to see around the farm during Boerendrokte. There is cleaning, sewing, churning, the servants are at work and the Negos guy comes along to the Dr. Larijweg 21. Of course you can also eat something like black pudding, water horror or brown beans with bacon.

‘A village market for everyone’, is how De Kracht Van Samen Doen announces the Bovensmilde Bruist market. On Saturday there is room for meaning, sports and games, culture and social activities at the Brink Baru. You can visit the village market from 1 pm to 4 pm, the organization asks you to come by bike or on foot.
