In Argentina, the Ministry establishes that TA is a treatment that is within the scope of official university health courses.

But it is poorly paid compared to the practice and generates a lack of “applicants”.

On the other hand, those who have a vocation are waiting for the AT to be a career nationally authorizedcurrently still graduating from Technical degrees with official certifications, they are studying something not approved by the necessary Ministry/s).

In Argentina, 15 provinces have local laws, and the remaining 9 districts (including CABA and Bs.As Province) do not have effective regulations, more than resolutions without greater scope. Access to rights for people with disabilities is unequal in the country.

until the very BUENOS AIRES’ UNIVERSITYis making visible about AT and the current situation (mainly the need for those who practice it to be trained by professionals/places with experience (public hospitals, foundations, associations, etc.).

The UBA wrote on its official page something that raised doubts but that correctly informed the population “(…) There are no official AT titles -nor less qualifying- as if it is, for example, the title of Lic. in Psychology -, qualifying to carry out professional tasks-. (…) There are no titles of AT officers of any kind in any institution because their degree is not approved by the Ministry of Education”.

It’s worrying. Provincial license plates are of no use if the companions are considered specialized caregivers (this is evidenced when they require graduates to cover the AT). For the moment, the independence and hierarchy of the AT to the category of “profession” continues to be a pending debt to improve the care system.

Requirements to legally practice as AT:

1. Be health graduates registered with RNP.

2. Have verifiable training in mental health that will be evaluated by the contractor (they usually ask for study hours, approved subjects of official careers, or technical degrees offered by Tertiary/Universities).
3. Work coordinated/supervised by an Institution/registered graduate (they cannot be coordinated by AT because they do not have authorization to direct treatments).

Therapeutic Accompaniment may be the best alternative to improve community health, but it must be exercised responsibly. What is responsible today? Adhere to the current legislation of the district where the treatment is carried out. The rules are simple. I hope they conform to our wishes.

Source: https://edipsicouba.net.ar/edi/curso-de-at-2/

Dr. Pía M. Roldán Viesti

Lawyer T°92 F°959 CPACF

MN psychologist. 57,457

President and Founder of EUTI

[email protected]


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