What is the healthiest way to work at a desk?

“Whether it is an isolated episode for a few days or a more chronic ailment, neck pain is practically guaranteed,” he stated. Ram Alluriassociate clinical professor of orthopedic surgery at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, and added: “Although nothing can completely prevent these discomforts, there are things you can do to reduce the chances of suffering from them. Start by strengthening the muscles in your neck and spine and, of course, work on improving your posture.”

Although neck pain sometimes results from accidents, falls, or other traumatic events, much of the discomfort is due to everyday movements such as sitting, working on the computer, or sitting for long periods of time in the office. “Hunching over a laptop for eight hours may not have much impact, but as you age, the discs in your spine that act as shock absorbers lose their effectiveness, a condition known as degenerative disc disease“Alluri assured The New York Times.

According to experts, the main factor in this disease, which is a type of arthritis, is genetics. Avoiding unhealthy habits can prevent disc disease, such as smoking. The best way to avoid neck pain is to strengthen the paraspinal or paravertebral muscles, They extend from the base of the skull along the spine, support the back and help maintain posture, along with the abdominal muscles.

In 2023, it was found that strength exercise, stretching, and walking are most likely to reduce the recurrence of neck pain. In addition, by strengthening the muscles of the upper back, chest and trunk, it helps keep the body in an upright position, which will also help prevent neck pain.

Most people lose strength in their upper back as they age, whether they have arthritis or not. This causes the shoulders and head to lean forward. The best way to counteract this is to strengthen the back and shoulder muscles that keep your torso upright, rather than hunched over. It is recommended to do it at home or in the office, without weights or equipment, with some specific exercises for the neck.

Good posture in the workspace prevents various body pains.

Among the activities, a simple one that can be done in the workspace is done in an office chair with a backrest. “Place your hand on her forehead and push forward against her as hard as you can while holding her head back with your hand. Push for 10 seconds, relax and repeat three times. You can also do this exercise with your hand on the back of your neck, pushing your head back,” the specialist recommended.

Another exercise that can be tried in the workplace that tends to strengthen the trunk, back and shoulders is the plank, either with your arms outstretched or leaning on your elbows. “If you have weights within reach, you can work your upper back by doing an upright dumbbell row. In this exercise, hold a dumbbell in each hand while standing and bend at the waist until your chest is parallel to the floor, with your knees slightly bent. Bring your shoulder blades together and lift the dumbbells toward your waist,” he recommended. Julia Bizjackorthopedic physical therapist Cleveland Clinic.

Good posture in the workspace prevents various body pains.

Bizjack stated that “although having strong paraspinal muscles will help prevent hunchbacks in the shoulders and neck, it is also important to make conscious efforts to overcome poor posture.” “Whether you’re at the computer or watching TV, make sure your shoulders are up and back, not hunched over. The head should be aligned with the back straight, not tilted forward,” the physiotherapist stressed.

“When working at your computer, adjust the height of your desk or monitor so that it is at eye level, which will prevent you from tilting your head forward while you work,” Bizjack noted, recommending writing “posture” in a box. sticky note and put it on the notebook.

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