What is the estimated pension for some cents?

In theory het eenvoudig: higher rents suffer tot lagere huizenprijzen en maken spaarboekjes aantrekkelijk. Toch zien economen that never paid. What is the higher pension than the centenary?

Yannick VerberckmoesSeptember 22, 202219:00

Is there a pension remaining?

Simple gezegd: omdat de inflation overal door het dak gaat. Door de oorlog in Oekraïne comes a lot less than Russian gas in Europe. The higher energieprijzen lateen zich overal voelen. Bakkers betalen meer om hun brood te bakken, tomatenkwekers betalen zich blauw om een ​​serre op te warmen en dat he dus toe dat ook uw winkelkar steeds duurder wordt.

The last few test grounds are the central banks of the inflation and the wages with the rents. When the savings amount is up for grabs, then there are people who invest in the bank. Maar nu moeten de centrale banks het omgekeerde doen. Met the rental income in the middle of the economy.

The Amerikaanse centrale bank (Fed) issued weekly for the end of the year pension with 75 basis points opgetrokken. The buyers of the bank will not pay the rent or optrekken to 4.4 percent and that year in 4.6 percent and 2023.

The Europese Centrale Bank shall follow the Amerikaanse vorbeeld. “We expect that the ECB de Rente will be about 2 at 2.25 percent in the first quarter of 2023”, says Koen De Leus, chief economist of BNP Paribas-Fortis.

What effect does it have on the inflation?

The economic situation in the US is naturally different from that in Europe. In the word de inflation for higher energy costs, in the VS the inflation is due to an overused economy. It is different from the Poetin heeft de ECB dus little involved in de energieprijzen. When this happened, the panic was gone in the energy market.

Volgens het Planbureau zal de inflation – na een peak period below de 10 percent – vanaf following jaar weer zakken. “Our forecasts are that inflation and the following year will be reduced to 3 percent,” says Ludovic Dobbelaere, economist at the Planbureau. “On the basis of long-term contracts, the new energy has been announced, we think that the inflation in 2024 will not last longer than that.”

Is that followed by a mortgage?

Hypotheekrentes zijn a soort canary in de Koolmijn, intended to be paid for by the economic surveillance for the following years. When he still had high inflation in the rigid state, he decided to climb the hypotheekrente. Maar dat lijkt dus mee te vallen.

A look at the pension plans, the banks have emptied the de voorbije maanden wel al een behoorlijke sprong hebben made. Begin this year as soon as the middle of the hypotheekrente for a woning nog op a dikke other half percent (for 25 years). Vandaag is the result of a vergelijking of immotheker-finotheker middeld to more than 3 percent opgeclimbed.

The theory shows that the price of the house is as high as possible, so that the following applies: during the leningen maken het moeilijker om huizen te kopen. “Maar de schaarste van bouwmaterialen en de committed renovations zullen de huizenprijzen voorlopig toch nog houg houden”, says De Leus. “Therefore it is important that the rent does not cover a lot of things. Now it’s a lot bigger than it used to be.

What is he born with and what are the documents?

De onzekerheid the de energy crisis met zich meebrengt, heeft al tot bloedbaden geleid op de beurzen. Also on the boodschap van Fed over the renting slots de Amerikaanse aandelenmarkten woensdagavond nimble stock af. Also that is expected from the leggen: higher rents make aandelen less interesting for the leggers. Bedrijven zullen names less winst maken omdat de economy afkoelt.

On the receipts, the rental incomes de voorbije weken al a pervers effect gehad. Only considered as the ‘more secure’ obligatory requirements for the last item in the flaps. De obligatory bloedden zelfs heviger dan de aandelen – what almost nooit beurt.

As with a bank in the long run, where there are few savings, you invest in a small risk in the future, for example, the bank advises you on the documents in the defensive funds. Maar also the secure funden hebben de voorbije weken nimble people opgetekend. “The aandelen- en obligatiemarkt is very close to the rent test,” says De Leus. “When we really want to raise more than hoe sterk de inflation nog oploopt, then the market will stabilize you.”

Weren spaarboekjes dan weer aantrekkelijk?

It is not actually the case that the inflation amount of the savings allowance is given. Maar toch zouden spaarders normaal spoken weer what more pension want krijgen. The previous year’s banks should be able to pay the same amount of money as the spaarcentjes van hun clanten near the central banks or the banks. Maar are cort is daar changed in come.

The depositoriente in the ECB state is the last renting rate of 0.75 percent. What are the records of the banks for the savings money brought over? Maar veel Belgian banks biden nog steeds maar 0.11 percent savings pension.

“The banks state that the pension is also up to date with the state and that the costs are quoted,” says Selien De Schryder, professor of economics at the UGent. “Normaally it is so that there is a bank that opts for the pension, the others also follow, omdat zij met elkaar de concurrentie aangaan. There are moments when we don’t move a lot here.”
