What is the disease Alopecia?





In light of the much-discussed Oscars incident, in which Will Smith interrupted Chris Rock’s stand-up bit with a slap in the face, Jada Pinkett Smith’s illness is now also in focus. Because what the comedian reportedly didn’t know when he poked fun at the actress’ baldness: She’s afflicted with alopecia. But what does it mean?

What is alopecia?

Circular hair loss is known as alopecia areata. This can occur in one or more places on the head, but also in the beard or on the eyebrows. The hair falls out there or becomes brittle, resulting in bald spots. There is no itching or scarring. In the worst case, the entire body can be affected. From a psychological point of view, the disease is therefore a great burden. That’s probably why Will Smith felt compelled to take direct action – but that’s no excuse for aggressive behavior towards a comedian who was doing his job.

What Causes Alopecia?

Sudden hair loss is still a mystery. It is obvious that it is an autoimmune disease. Instead of just fighting invading viruses or bacteria, the immune system turns against its own cells – in the case of the disease, which also affects Jada Pinkett Smith, against the hair roots. Stress can also play a role. Alopecia also often occurs in episodes, can resolve itself after a few months and break out again at a later date, causing new hair to fall out again.

Can alopecia be cured?

Alopecia areata is currently not curable – too little is known about the causes of why the body attacks itself. However, the symptoms can be combated, which can lead to renewed hair growth. Cortisone suppresses the immune system, but is not suitable as a long-term therapy. Contact allergens can also be used as a treatment method to specifically stimulate the immune reaction.




