What is the difference between WLAN and WiFi?

The terms “WLAN” and “WiFi” are often used to describe the wireless network in your own four walls or the Internet access in a café or restaurant. The terms are used synonymously for wireless data transmission, which is not entirely correct.

While in Germany one speaks almost exclusively of WLAN networks, the word WiFi is used for it in English-speaking countries. But why is that and are they both the same standard? What exactly is the difference between WLAN and WiFi?

The names WLAN and WiFi

The abbreviation WLAN stands for “Wireless Local Area Network”, i.e. it describes a wireless local network. On the other hand, WiFi is the abbreviation for “Wireless Fidelity”, which is just as difficult to translate into German as “High Fidelity” (Hi-Fi).

One could best translate Hi-Fi with “high fidelity”. Hi-Fi stands for the most loss-free sound reproduction possible, i.e. for a standard of quality. As a result, WiFi could be translated as “wireless data transmission that is as lossless as possible”.

TECHBOOK editor Adrian Mühlroth explains this in our short video:

WiFi – a logo for wireless communication

The term WiFi was introduced in 1999 by the Wi-Fi Alliance based on the Hi-Fi term. This is a consortium of companies that has set itself the task of ensuring interoperability between WLAN-enabled devices.

That means: The Wi-Fi Alliance carries out tests to ensure that the devices can communicate with each other and exchange data. Manufacturers that pass Wi-Fi Alliance certification receive the familiar WiFi logo.

The standard for WLAN technology

The Wi-Fi Alliance tests are based on the WLAN IEEE 802.11 standard developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In 1997, after seven years of preparatory work, the standard saw the light of day. For the first time there were uniform standards and specifications for wireless networks.

So while WLAN is the collective term for wireless networks, WiFi serves as a specific designation for the somewhat unwieldy name “IEEE 802.11”. In Germany, the term “WLAN” has established itself for a wireless network. In contrast, the term “WiFi” is more common abroad and, strictly speaking, more precise. While WiFi – or IEE 802.11 – is one type of WLAN, there are others, such as the European HiperLAN. So if you want to know exactly, ask for the “WiFi password” next time.

The IEE 802.11 standard is constantly evolving. The current version is 802.11ax, known to the public as Wi-Fi 6.

ALOHAnet – the first WLAN comes from Hawaii

The idea of ​​transferring data from one device to another without a cable connection did not come from the engineering minds at IEEE. The first wireless computer network emerged in 1971 at the University of Hawaii and was appropriately named ALOHAnet. The university used this to connect its locations distributed on different islands by radio.

At the end of the 1970s, the IEEE jumped on the bandwagon and experimented with wireless network technologies. In the mid-1980s, when the United States’ Communications Equipment and Communications Equipment and Administration (FCC) kickstarted commercialization for wireless networks, it sparked a boom in wireless data modem development.

Monopoly ensured high prices

In 1988, Lucent launched “WaveLAN” and secured a monopoly on WLAN technology thanks to the patenting of all components. Other manufacturers had to develop their own WLAN components and chips. The result: WLAN was so expensive that it was only used in the professional sector and only where there was no other way.

It wasn’t until 1999 that WLAN also became interesting for end users. Steve Jobs presented the first iBook with its own WLAN technology at the Macworld Expo in New York. The standardization by the IEEE standard 802.11 caused a further drop in prices, so that WLAN became more and more affordable for manufacturers and consumers.

More and more devices are becoming WiFi-enabled

Since the first version of the 802.11 standard, the IEEE has continuously developed it further. At that time it came with a data rate of just 2 Mbit/s. Transmission was in the 2.4 GHz band. This is still the case today, but the 5 GHz band has since been added and speeds have long since reached the gigabit range – at least in theory.

Also interesting: Find out your own WLAN speed with just one click

WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS and other wireless transmission technologies have long conquered the world. In 2003 there were 500 million connected devices worldwide. Last year it was already 50 billion. Today everyone has 6.58 devices that can wirelessly connect to other devices. 18 years ago it was only 0.08. So around twelve people would have had to share such a device.
