What is the best burger restaurant in Finland? Vote!

What is the best burger restaurant in Finland? Tell us your favorites.

Now you can vote for your favorite burger restaurant. Antti Suikkari

Burger Lovers Finland, the Facebook group for burger lovers, is looking for the best burger restaurant in Finland.

– This year, we have curated the list of one hundred restaurants in the Burger Lovers Finland group of more than 26,000 members, which includes burger restaurants from all provinces in Finland, including Lapland, Antti Suikkarione of the founders of the group.

According to Suikkari, this is a sign of a strongly vibrant and strong burger culture.

Suikkari states that the best Finnish burger restaurants are comparable to any foreign offer.

In 2020, Bites Burgers won the vote of the Burger Lovers Finland group, and the second and third place went to Burger5 and Gastrobar B / P from Kuopio.

The list of 100 restaurants also includes several restaurants serving vegan and chicken burgers. Antti Suikkari

According to Suikkari, getting on the list of one hundred burger restaurants means that the restaurant uses fresh ingredients in its burgers, such as fresh minced meat or frozen premium minced meat steaks.

If your own favorite is missing from the list of 100 restaurants, you can add it to the form.

Vote for your favorite burger restaurant.

Voting time is Thursday, June 9th. and the winner of Finland’s best burger restaurant 2022 vote will be announced on Wednesday 15 June.
