what is the aphasia that prevents him from acting

The American actor announces through his family that he will stop his career due to a language disorder. With speech therapy aphasia can be cured but each subject responds differently

Chiara Zucchelli

March 30, 2022 – 20:34

Bruce Willis leave the scenes for aphasia. This was announced by his ex-wife, Demi Moore, and her daughters. The actor retires, it is not known whether permanently or just for a pe riodo, because he was diagnosed with a speech disorder which prevents him from acting.

What is aphasia

Aphasia is a disease of which not much was known until a few years ago, but which in the last 10 years is recognized and diagnosed more easily. In Italy about 150 thousand people suffer from it. It is a speech disorder that can be characterized by an alteration in the understanding or expression of words or the non-verbal equivalents of words. It generally occurs after a stroke or head injury, but it can also be silent and manifest over time as a result of some neurodegenerative disease.

Symptoms of aphasia

Those suffering from aphasia cannot understand what they are told and above all find it difficult to put together sentences of complete meaning. He then struggles to read, write and do calculations, that is, all those functions that are closely connected with language.

Possible Cures for Bruce Willis Disease

Having said that each patient, depending on the state of the disease, reacts differently, aphasia can be treated with speech therapy. It is clear that one thing is to cure oneself and maintain a substantially normal life, another thing is to act. But, in this sense, Bruce Willis’ family did not provide further details. On the website ofA.IT.A. (Italian Aphasics Association) it is explained: “The aphasic person needs complex support, which is not only medical, and must come from those who have a professional relationship with him (doctors, neuropsychologists, speech therapists, social workers), from the people who are part of his environment (family, friends, colleagues) or those who dedicate themselves to her out of a spirit of service (volunteers). days”. The causes of aphasia they may regress thanks to medical intervention and the speech disorder may improve following rehabilitation treatment, but incomplete remission of the disorder is still very common.

the testimonies of Dario Fo and Andrea Vianello

Also on the association’s website there are the testimonies of Dario Fo and Andrea Vianello. The first played his Grammelot, a theatrical technique that lends itself well to simulating the condition of aphasic people who, like Dario Fo on the stage, articulate long speeches using real or invented words, without being able to communicate. The second told of his experience of him after being hit by a stroke involving aphasia.
