What is sustainable cotton?

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Image: Profuomo

Cotton is one of the most important natural raw materials in the fashion industry worldwide. Many fashion brands use cotton because of its comfortable wearing properties, good moisture absorption and high wear resistance.

In principle, cotton is biodegradable and recyclable. Little CO2 is released during production. Also, cotton is not contributing to the plastic soup. The disadvantage, however, is that a lot of land is required for cultivation, which is why cotton production can lead to deforestation. A lot of water is also used in production and artificial fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals are often used. This is not only bad for the environment, but also for the people who work on the plantations.

The aim of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is to achieve more sustainable cotton production. The Better Cotton Standard System is a holistic approach to sustainable cotton production that encompasses all three pillars of sustainability: environment, society and economy.

Better Cotton is obtained using a so-called mass balance system. This means that while Better Cotton cannot be traced back to the end product, BCI farmers benefit from the volumes that are purchased in this way.

An important aspect of the Better Cotton Standard System is the seven Better Cotton Principles and Criteria. By following these criteria, Better Cotton farmers produce cotton in a way that is better for them, for their community and for the environment.

The 7 principles refer to

  1. the crop protection

  2. the water consumption

  3. the soil health

  4. the biodiversity

  5. the fiber quality

  6. decent work

  7. the management

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Image: Profuomo

If you understand that the word of the BCI has been raised in the training and the practice of the farmers, the producers have been regularly reported and the results have been measured, the volume of the “Better Cotton Chain of Custody (CoC)” in the home The supply chain is monitored and largely verified by BCI, which claims that the door to the customer has been designed, transparently and nautically. Tot slot zet BCI zich also in for het meten van de duurzaamheidsverteringen in op het evaluen van de milieu-, sociale and economic impact of the Better Cotton Standard system.

Also for the men’s fashion brand Profuomo is due to the number of items in the most important basic fabrics in the collection. Profuomo works together with “The Better Cotton Initiative” om de katoenteelt wereldwijd te beteren. Het merk bruikt BCI gecertificeerde katoen other voor all shirts, kate overshirts, chino’s en de gehle sport collection die bestaat uit verschillende sweatpants, t-shirts, hoodies en sweaters.

Profuomo heeft zich ten doel gesteld om in 2024 100% ‘duurzamer katoen’ in te kopen. Next BCI certified cats, wordt daarbij also used according to biological cats (‘organic’) and recycled cats. BCI-katoen is daarbij de minimumnorm. The following stage is increased by the number of biological cats, so that the biocatalyst is still in use in terms of water and energy.

This is a van de vele initiative by Profuomo was blijkt dat de neming zich actie inzet voor een steeds duurzamere productie van haar collections.


Read more about Profuomo on the company page
