What is Joan Laporta afraid of?, by Ernest Folch

10/02/2023 at 06:30


We live in a moment critical of the history of Barça in which questions begin to emerge that until very recently were a taboo.

For the first time in its history, Barça members see how little by little the melon of the debate about their property and, by extension, his government.

In the middle of this discussion still incipient, the club will soon call a extraordinary assembly to approve some crucial accounts, after having activated all the levers.

The Assembly is right now the only organ What does the partner have to ask and supervise government action. To the general astonishment, and without there being any covid involved, the club has leaked that It will be held electronically again.

The excuse is that if it is virtual there may be more participationbut no one has been able to explain to us why it is not celebrated at least in mixed systemwith a double option in person or online.

It surprises that Laporta preferred to hide behind a Zoom before showing your faceat a time when he also has reasons to show his chest: some benefits apparently spectacular 304 million, the hopeful reinforcements of the signingsthe Xavi’s renewalthe good feelings of the first games in Montjuic.

It is true that you will also have to explain why, despite the benefits generated by the levers, the club is unable to meet budgets and the ordinary activity of the club has once again given considerable losses for the third consecutive year.

Or why transfer commissions, despite the announced transparency, continue hiding shamelessly. Or if the works deadlines of the new Camp Nou. Or why partners heroic people who climb Montjuic do not even have the right to a fixed site.

Topics all a lot easier to fight in front of a screen of a computer than in front of a mass of people who applaud, murmur or question. It is possible that if the Assembly were in person it would hear some reproach or would I have to answer any uncomfortable questionbut this would not make it weaker but precisely stronger, and even more so taking into account its communicative virtues.

Some of those around the president think they are protecting him when in reality they weaken it. That this board has agreed to hold the assemblies virtually is as incomprehensible as it is embarrassing, and it is something that, if they were in the opposition, they would rightly denounce.

Just as true is that the contempt for the Assembly, and its use as a body to cover up the club’s democratic shortcomings, has been a characteristic of all boards of directors for decades, from Núñez to Laporta through Gaspart, Rosell and Bartomeu. Seeing how the Assembly is mistreatedperhaps it is not so strange that the idea of ​​a Barça SA
