what is healthier? Dietitian Femke answers

Dietician Femke van Liere van dietitian practice Fit for Foodies figured it out for us. We won’t leave you hanging any longer than necessary: ​​it doesn’t really matter.

180 calories, lots of fat

“A croissant is made from puff pastry that consists of flour, sugar, yeast and milk, which is then rolled into layers with large amounts of butter,” explains Van Liere. “A croissant weighs about 45 grams, which means about 180 calories.”

“The fat content of a croissant is 18 percent, regardless of whether it comes from a can or is fresh. The amount of calories per 100 grams does not differ much either; about 340 per 100 grams, with a croissant fresh from the bakery or from a look.” The nutritional values ​​also hardly differ according to the dietitian.

Not so pure

What does differ: the number of ingredients. Canned ready-made croissants generally contain a lot more. “And that is often not a good sign,” explains Van Liere. In general, the less additives, the better. “More than five ingredients in the list means that it is relatively processed. And nowadays most people really prefer to eat pure and unprocessed.”

Van Liere lists the ingredients. A fresh croissant from the bakery? Mainly wheat flour and butter (corn oui) and one E number. The croissant from a can: just a whole series of difficult-to-pronounce E numbers. At first glance, there are about ten extra ingredients. “But this may not apply to all brands,” she nuances.

Unsaturated fat

Nutritionally, a croissant is not very highly regarded. “This is due to the high content of saturated fat, which in large amounts can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is because saturated fat raises cholesterol levels, which can cause blockages in the arteries. croissant virtually no fibres, which are very important for a healthy bowel function, ensure a more stable sugar level and therefore prevent cravingsand additional care for a feeling of fullness and protect you against cardiovascular disease.”

So: canned or fresh croissant?

Well, that being said, we don’t have to memorize all the delicacies of course. Van Liere: “Assuming that you don’t eat a croissant on a daily basis, and it really is a treat, it doesn’t matter much whether you opt for a fresh or canned croissant, given the calories and fat. A healthy diet ensures a good balance and that also leaves quite a bit of room to sin every now and then.”

Did you know that you can also make cinnamon rolls from croissant dough?

Image: Getty Images

January 31, 2022
