“What is happening with the CGPJ is a form of corruption”

10/04/2022 at 22:09


Jiménez Villarejo reviews the situation of the judiciary in Spain after the non-renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ)

Carlos Jimenez Villarejo, the first anti-corruption prosecutor in the history of Spain, attends EL PERIÓDICO DE ARAGÓN, of the Prensa Ibérica group, on the occasion of his visit this Wednesday to Saragossawhere he will present his complete works: Justice-Democracy, democratic memory Y Corruption and fraud. Jiménez Villarejo had a brief stint in the world of politics, since in May 2014 he was elected MEP for Can and, two months later, he tendered his resignation.

How do you explain the non-renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary?It is a failure of the leadership of the judiciary. The fair solution would be for the entire council of the judiciary to resign and abandon their positions in such a way that there would be no other choice – politically speaking – than for whoever has to meet to reach an agreement on the constitution of a new General Council to meet of the Judiciary (CGPJ). The first condition is that it no longer exists physically, that is, that there are no longer advisers to the judiciary who are receiving a salary for doing nothing, which seems to me to be an abuse of power. This deserves a serious reproach that should lead to the immediate dissolution by resignation of all the members of the CGPJ.It’s three years with the highest judicial body in office…It is evident that it cannot be consented. I do not know if there are mechanisms provided for in the Organic Law of the Judiciary; it would be difficult to find the necessary mechanism for that CGPJ to cease to exist, not as a body, but in its current composition. The purpose is that it is irremediable and absolutely necessary to reach an agreement again to constitute a new one once those who are right now have abandoned their posts and, therefore, renounced all the benefits derived from them.

“It seems to me a flagrant injustice that these people are occupying a public position without any content of functions and responsibilities”

What benefits?There are many, especially cheap. It seems to me a flagrant injustice that these people are occupying a public position without any content of functions and responsibilities in a country that is going through the crisis that it is going through in so many social sectors. To put it vulgarly, they are clinging to the armchairs.For practical purposes, what does it translate into?It would be necessary to tense some answers, but it is not in my power to solve them and it is not up to me. They are committing an illegality and, therefore, it should lead to that illegality being concluded.Who should take that responsibility?I think they are the same members that make up the CGPJ. They are the ones who are committing the illegality of remaining in positions that do not correspond to them because the term established by law for them to remain in those positions has already elapsed. There are people who are unjustly enriching themselves.You who have worked as an anti-corruption prosecutor, is it a perception of public opinion or is there really less corruption now than before?Now there is the same corruption as always, although it can be seen less or seen more. What is happening with the CGPJ is a form of corruption.

“Spain suffers the consequences of corruption understood as the use of public office for enrichment”

Then it is Spain a corrupt country?I have not said that Spain is a corrupt country, I have said that Spain suffers the consequences of corruption understood as the use of public office for enrichment, that this is the substance of corruption in short. I believe that this reality justifies the existence of anti-corruption taxation. If there were no corruption, that prosecutor’s office would not exist.How has this office changed?It was created because the corruption was enormous and it has had phases of very different ups and downs. Corruption is still present in many sectors of society and public entities, whether they are town halls, autonomies or ministries. I insist: any use of public office for enrichment is called corruption. There are organizations such as the Council of Europe that a few years ago highlighted Spain as one of the most corrupt countries in the European Union.What can lead public opinion to think that?For this corruption to surface and not be hidden, there needs to be measures that favor all this. For that, I trust that the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office is aware, acts and reacts to any symptom of corrupt conduct, which is the use of public office for personal or family enrichment.Why isn’t all the corruption there is detected?Because the ass of the people who surround everyone who takes advantage of their position to corrupt themselves do not dare to denounce it because the complaint would be detrimental to them.Is society aware of the fight anti-corruption?We must encourage society in general, citizens as a whole, to help denounce any sign of corruption as soon as they detect it. This is what has not happened so far. The few who have dared have had a very bad time because they have suffered reprisals and administrative sanctions because they were not protected. I know people who have suffered that, who have been mistreated to inconceivable limits from the administrative point of view.

“The State must inspire confidence and not be a group of corrupt people, in order to understand each other”

What would become of a society that does not fight against corruption?We are in a society that if it does not react properly to so much corruption, it collapses from the moral point of view and, above all, from the moral-civic point of view, of believing in its institutions. I think there is a lack of trust in public institutions because they do not give the example they should give, for example, with corruption and, particularly, political parties. This step is essential to clean up the image of the State and hence the citizens feel satisfied with the State. The State must inspire confidence and not be a group of corrupt, to understand us. Political parties should be the best example of dignity and public ethics in Spain.They are?Honestly, no.In his career, he has also had a brief stint in politics. What learning takes?I spent months as MEP for Podemos in 2014. It was just a few months for me to draw conclusions about corruption.How do you assess the situation of the left today?I think that the left has to be in line with article 9 of the Constitution when it said that the freedom and equality of citizens are real and effective, not a rhetorical proclamation of the law.For you, what is the value of that article 9?The extent to which you see that unemployment, poverty or job insecurity situations are decreasing. At the same time that those who have economic power, who remain more or less hidden, are known and their true identity is revealed and where they have the capital. It’s a challenge and right now I don’t know what level we’re at.Now that he is presenting his complete works in Zaragoza, he will also have a meeting with civil society. What do you expect from this meeting?I hope to transmit a more active position than there is on the part of the citizens to keep their eyes wide open. And that when it is necessary to denounce, it is denounced.
