What is Hamas? Part 2: “We do not kill unnecessarily and spare the citizens.” How cruelty slowly crept in | Israel-Palestine conflict

Israelis and Palestinians have a lot in common. They speak two different languages, but share many words. Mother and father. Seeing and hearing. Day and night. They even understand ‘peace’ perfectly from each other. But they also have a word whose translation differs profoundly. Which means ‘passion’ in Arabic and ‘violence’ in Hebrew. That word is ‘hamas’. Coincidentally also the name of the group that is now causing a new war with immense cruelty. Where does that group come from? Who is behind it and what is she aiming for? We explain this in a three-part portrait. Today we look at how Hamas evolved from a group that spared civilians to the killing machine it is today.

Guy Van Vlierden

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