What is diplopia that leaves Marc Márquez out of competition and how is it treated?

06/02/2023 at 09:20


The Spanish rider is once again forced to get off the bike after announcing that he is once again suffering from an eye problem that causes him to have double vision

The Spanish pilot Marc Márquez is once again out of competition. This Tuesday he announced that he suffers from diplopia, an eye problem that causes double vision.

From the Spanish Association of United Optometrists (AEOPTOMETRISTAS) they explain that diplopia “in itself is not a pathology, but a common symptom to various causes in which differential diagnosis is vital to discriminate its severity”.

types of diplopia

Double vision can be of various types. Everything will depend on where the patient places the images or if it affects one or both eyes.

Thus, according to the place where the images are located, the AEOPTOMETRIST specialists differentiate between:

  • horizontal diplopia: The double image is parallel to the original.
  • vertical diplopia. One image is displayed on top of the other.
  • oblique diplopia. Images appear diagonally.

When double vision affects only one eye it is monocular, and when it affects both, the most frequent version is binocular.

In the latter case, the double image “is perceived only when both eyes are uncovered and disappears if one is occluded.”

What are the causes of diplopia?

The AEOPTOMETRIST optometrists explain that, in the case of people affected by double vision monocularThe most common causes are:

  • have cataracts
  • Have undergone cataract surgery.
  • Degenerative diseases that cause the weakening or deformation of the cornea.
  • Dry Eye.
  • Vision problems that have not been corrected, such as astigmatism.
  • wrong graduation.
  • Do not wear tight-fitting glasses.
  • A manufacturing defect in the optical lenses.
  • Retinopathy.
  • Pterygium.
  • Dislocated lens.
  • Poorly implanted, dislocated or multifocal technology intraocular lens.

In the event that the patient suffers from the version double binocularthe most frequent causes according to optometrists are found in:

  • Squint.
  • vascular origin. It can be caused by aneurysms or hemorrhages.
  • Due to trauma to the eye socket.
  • Tumors, whether malignant or not.
  • Suffering from diabetes or thyroid problems.
  • Neurological diseases such as myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis or Guillain-Barré syndrome, can cause binocular double vision.
  • As a consequence of surgery.
  • Drugs.
  • Alcohol or drugs.
  • Tiredness or fatigue.
  • infections.

How is diplopia treated?

The AEOPTOMETRISTAS specialists detail that the way to treat the diplopia suffered by the Spanish pilot will depend on the cause that causes it.

In the case of the monocular, the specialist determine the need to remove the cataract, adjust the prescription or prescribe drops to treat dry eye.

For now, the six-time Moto GP champion has announced that he is going to rest and will undergo new eye tests.
