What is ChatGPT? The viral phenomenon that has revolutionized artificial intelligence

12/06/2022 at 00:31


The application allows you to chat in a multitude of languages ​​with an artificial intelligence system capable of maintaining conversations on almost any topic very naturally

ChatGPTa new chat system based on artificial intelligence from the OpenAI company, has revolutionized the internet in recent days and has renewed the debate on the capabilities that this type of tool may have in the near future and the consequences that this can trigger.

Launched on November 30th, ChatGPT only needed a couple of days to become a a viral phenomenon and, according to its creators, this Monday it already exceeded one million users.

The application, for now in the testing phase, allows you to chat in a multitude of Languages with an artificial intelligence (AI) system capable of maintaining conversations on almost any topic very naturally, answering an infinite number of questions and creating almost à la carte content.

ChatGPT is coherent, takes into account what has been previously said in a conversation and is capable of identify topics that are better not to talk about, as EFE could verify.

Its artificial intelligence is powered by a huge text sample pulled from the internetbut the machine is not connected to the network in real time and its “knowledge” theoretically stops at 2021, so it cannot comment on, for example, events that have occurred recently.

OpenAI, the company that created it, stands out above all the dialogue format with which it operates and the possibilities it generates.

The dialog format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit their mistakes, question incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests,” explains the firm, in whose foundation the owner of Twitter Elon Musk participated, among others – although he later disassociated himself – and in which technological giants such as Microsoft have invested.

A window to the future

According to Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, ChatGPT is for now an “early demonstration” of what it will be possible to do with language interfaces based on artificial intelligence, although he stresses that in this case it still has many limitations.

“Soon you will be able to have helpful assistants who talk to you, answer questions and give advices. Later on you can have something go and do chores for you. Eventually you will be able to have something that discovers new knowledge for you,” Altman explained on Twitter on the occasion of the product presentation.

For nowChatGPT is accessible for free during this test phasewhich its creators hope to use to introduce important improvements in the final version, which at first will not be paid for, although Altman has already said that at some point it will be necessary to “monetize” it given the high costs.

possible uses

Among the possibilities offered by ChatGPT, for now, the option to use it as a quick alternative to a Google search, although their results are often erroneous or contradictory. Of course, if you question one of your wrong answers, often the system is capable of admitting its mistake and looking for a solution.

But many users in recent days have highlighted the tool’s ability to help with more specific issues: for example, some programmers have used it to quickly write complex code or in unusual language, and a university professor has said that the chat is able to respond appropriately to some your exam questions.

The ability of this type of system to write well-written and coherent texts It also allows numerous uses in the editorial and journalistic field.

For example, if one asks the robot to write a story about the launch of ChatGTP itself, it barely takes a couple of seconds to offer a five-paragraph text that starts like this:

“ChatGPT, a chat platform that uses natural language technology to deliver a unique user experience, has been released to the public today. Developed by a team of natural language and technology experts, ChatGPT enables users to chat naturally with a system that responds intelligently and accurately. The platform uses language models trained on vast amounts of data to generate consistent and natural responses in real time.”

The “news” includes some context about the development of the platform and even alleged statements by the CEO of the company.

This ease of writing has led many voices to predict that this type of system it could soon supplant much of the work of content creation and even the work of journalists.
