What is Barça doing as a member of Real Madrid?, by Ernest Folch

11/20/2023 at 04:30


He real Madrid currently has the dubious honorific title of most angry club in the world.

At the annual meeting of members of Real Madrid, Florentino Perez He complained in very thick words about the leaguewhom he accused of “attack the club’s assets” and “expropriate” a part of their audiovisual rights.

He said that the new format of Champions that UEFA want to implement for next season is “unusual and absurd”to top it all off “They are destroying European football.”

He attacked the refereeing very harshly, here and in Europe, and raised serious doubts about video refereeing: “No one knows who draws the VAR lines or what frame is chosen for it.”

After Vinicius’ injury this weekend, the white club has slipped its great discontent with FIFA and the international calendar, with which it can already be said that at the moment Real Madrid is in bad or terrible relations with all national and international bodies, a record for a club that traditionally boasted of “manor” and one impeccable institutional image.

The most curious thing of all is that the only club with whom he maintains a stable association is Barçahers sole partner this pathetic Super Leagueannounced with great fanfare in its day, and of which only two sad teams are now part.

Well, not even that is enough for the president of Real Madrid to refrain from attacking Barça, and in the Assembly he again said poke into the wound of the ‘Negreira case’: “It is a case of enormous seriousness, “It is not normal that more than 8 million euros have been paid.”

In the face of these attacks, the most that Barça has done is stop going to the directives mealbut it seems that it is not enough to definitively abandon the absurd idea of ​​the Super League, a clinically dead project with no futurein which the only function that Barça plays is precisely to endorse Real Madrid and its president.

And it is that Laporta He must urgently slam the door on Florentino not only because it attacks him but above all because it does not drag him along on his journey to nowhere.

Barça has made an effort to recover his battered relations with the LeagueLaporta himself skillfully filed his differences with Ceferin for avoid a UEFA sanction which would have been fatal, and in general he has been much more intelligent than the president of Real Madrid in his institutional relations.

Leaving Real Madrid in the Super League now would delve into its club image grumbling, isolated and anti-establishment.

Real Madrid’s quixotic battles against the entire world cannot have the explicit or implicit support of Barça. Yeah Florentine wants jump off the cliff, do it alone.
