What is adrenochrome – and what does Xavier Naidoo have to do with it?

Very few people who are not involved in chemistry, psychiatric psychology and conspiracy theories have probably ever heard of the word adrenochrome.

After a crude clip in which Xavier Naidoo speaks extremely emotionally on the subject of child trafficking and ritual murder, the biologically and empirically proven byproduct of adrenaline, which plays a major role in research into the causes of schizophrenia, has suddenly become an issue.

What does Xavier Naidoo mean by adrenochrome?

In the approximately five-minute video, which was published a few days ago on the YouTube channel of a well-known group of conspiracy theorists (although the date of production is unclear), singer Naidoo even starts to cry as he talks about kidnapped children, ritual murders, a mysterious Sect and Satanism reported. He already referred to it in his strange song “Marionettes”. It’s hard to imagine all of this combined.

Naidoo speaks of children who are kidnapped in order to drain their blood for a kind of super drug and anti-aging product. They are also said to be sold to organ traffickers and killed for cannibalistic purposes.

According to the conspiracy theory that is currently being shared in relevant networks, the supply ship, which is anchored in New York in order to be able to treat thousands of corona patients, is currently caring for children with severe breathing problems who have been freed from underground facilities . Some of them, it is said, have never seen daylight and are in urgent need of food. They are said to have been kept as sex slaves. Supposedly there is a nurse who would testify to this.

Schizophrenia research and anti-Semitism

So much for the conspiracy theory. But what does adrenochrome have to do with it? Adrenochrome forms in the human body as a byproduct of adrenaline. It was incorrectly understood as a supposedly psychoactive substance – this is mentioned, among other things, in “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” by Hunter S. Thompson. In the 1940s it was discovered that adrenochrome could very likely contribute to the delusions of schizophrenia sufferers, very similar to the effects of LSD and mescaline.

The adrenochrome legend of conspiracy theorists, who claim that there has been a kind of super cult of a conspiratorial “elite” that has been abusing children underground for hundreds of years, is now working on the extraction of this physical substance. The adrenochrome clotted from the blood would therefore be used as a rejuvenator and power drug to be stronger, fitter and sexier than the rest of humanity.

Basically, this conspiracy theory also uses anti-Semitic stereotypes – Jews as vampires, bloodsuckers and parasites. This is mixed almost embarrassingly consistently with the ritual murder legend, which in corresponding conspiracy circles primarily attributes to a social minority taking revenge on the community with such acts. In this way, imagined collective “scapegoats” are found for often inexplicable or frightening acts of individual murderers.

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