What is a brain aneurysm: causes, symptoms and treatment

The brain is the vital organ of the complex human central nervous system, which requires a constant supply of blood for oxygen. So what happens when parts of the brain are missing and the blood supply is cut off? “Surprisingly, the blood finds a different route to reach the brain,” he explained. Emilia Clarkethe “Game of Thrones” star who survived two brain aneurysms that were life-threatening, including a subarachnoid hemorrhage (a stroke caused by bleeding inside the brain).

This was told this week in an interview with the BBC’s “Sunday Morning” program, in which Clarke revealed that “a good part” of his brain “is gone” due to a stroke. “There is a part of my brain that can no longer be used. It is remarkable that I can speak, sometimes articulately, and live my life completely normally without any repercussions,” she added.

According to the WHO, cerebrovascular accidents are the leading cause of disability worldwide. “There is a long list of neurological diseases but the most frequent is cerebrovascular accident (or CVA)”, supports Javier Groppoa neurologist specialist in Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders at the Otamendi and Miroli Sanatorium. One in 50 people have an intact brain aneurysmaccording to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation, but to avoid them, prevention and controls are essential.

What is brain aneurysm?

A cerebral (also known as intracranial) aneurysm is an abnormal bulge or swelling in the wall of an artery in the brain. Most brain aneurysms form in major arteries along the base of the skullbut they can occur anywhere in the brain, explains the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).

Some brain aneurysms, especially small ones, don’t cause any problems. However, some can put pressure on nerves or brain tissue, and also they can burst or breakwhich causes hemorrhage (the shedding of blood into the surrounding tissue).

There are several types of brain aneurysms, but the most common is berry aneurysmwhich can vary in size from a few millimeters to more than a centimeter.

What causes a brain aneurysm?

A brain aneurysm is caused by thinning or weakening of a wall of a cerebral artery, which causes part of the blood vessel to bulge or swell.

An aneurysm can be present from birth (congenital) or develop later in life. And the risk of aneurysm rupture depends on size, location and growth of the aneurysm.

Some risk factors are the use of drugs, especially cocaine or amphetamines, which raise blood pressure to dangerous levels. Smoke; family history of brain aneurysms (also a risk factor for aneurysm rupture); and high blood pressure. And the symptoms include: pain above and behind the eye; numbness, weakness; paralysis on one side of the face; a dilated pupil in the eye; vision changes and double vision. And it can be followed by nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light, and seizures.

How are brain aneurysms treated?

Treatments for brain aneurysms vary depending on the size, location, and shape of the aneurysm. If it is infected or has burst. The patient’s age, medical condition, family history of aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage also play a role in treatment. In general, a clipping intervention is performed, a surgery that places a metal clip along the base of the aneurysm to prevent blood from entering it. But placement of coils, stents, or a blood flow diversion device may also be recommended.

Emilia Clarke suffered an aneurysm

The sophistication of today’s technology makes it possible to study the state of the cerebral arteries, autoregulation and cerebral pressure. For this, state-of-the-art equipment called transcranial doppler which measures the speed of blood flow in the main arteries of the brain non-invasively. The equipment “facilitates the detection of stenosis and emboli that could circulate through the bloodstream”, comments Bio Engineer Daniel Budasoff. And he adds: “The study provides a fundamental value to the diagnosis in early stages of brain diseases and in their prevention”.

“All renowned medical institutions have or seek to have equipment for performing transcranial doppler. Especially with the development of neurointensive care as a subspecialty within the new intensive care approaches”, comments the Biomedical Engineer of CSH (Hospital Services Center), a company founded in 1996 whose proposal combines technological innovation with health, providing sophisticated tools to both the private and public sectors.

How to prevent an aneurysm?

As a first point it is necessary get out of the comfort zone so that the brain is constantly working, this will cause new connections to be developed, which results in an improvement in brain functions. It is for this reason that the neurologist Javier Groppo offers some recommendations to prevent and reduce the risk of suffering from all types of brain disease: Carry out a change in lifestyle based on a good rest and low stress level; practice physical exercise on a regular basis; avoid the harmful use of alcohol and cigarettes; control body weight; follow a balanced diet low in saturated fat and salt; maintain adequate hydration; control blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol; Y keep mental functions active with artistic workshops, languages, social gatherings and intellectual activities.

“It is important to note that few neurological diseases have a curative treatment. Most are based on the reduction of symptoms. When brain functions are lost, some recover and some don’t. Therefore, the fundamental pillar is preventionattending mainly to the change in lifestyle, diet, exercise and periodic health checks”, concludes Groppo.

“Advances in technology help to make life easier for patients, since they speed up the detection of any type of disease and find faster cures. The equipment for ultrasound imaging of the cerebral vessels called Transcranial Doppler, which is used in all the centers doctors, are increasingly complete and allow interventions are less risky and painfulthis shows us that patient care has improved with the advancement of technology and patient care has become safer,” said Tomas Piqueras, CEO of CSH.

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