What if Elly Schlein wanted to talk to right-wing ladies?

Aldo Cazzullo (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

TO still bowls, perhaps we can ask why Elly Schlein gave her first interview as Pd secretary to a fashion monthly.

I find naive those who point out: everyone focused on the color scheme, but they were just a few lines of an interview in which Elly talked about minimum wage, precariousness, rights…

By now everyone should know that in communication the medium is the message. Of minimum wage, precariousness, rights, Schlein had already spoken in many interviews, Corriere della Sera included.

The novelty wasn’t just the color scheme, which I honestly didn’t even know existed. The novelty is that the leader of the main party of the Italian left expressed herself, between 25 April and 1 May, on Vogue.

Elly Schlein, the hidden side of the Pd secretary: she plays the piano and duets with Alessandro Cattelan

A reader wrote to me: «Shame, once the secretary gave an interview to the Unit!». It was inevitable to remind him that the Unit they haven’t made it for a long time.

But why corroborate the idea that the left doesn’t speak to the suburbs but to the Ztlindeed to the pedestrian islands as he wrote on Corriere della Sera Antonio Polito? Why validate the cliché (with a grain of truth, like many clichés) of a Democratic Party unable to communicate with the working classes?

A reader offered me this explanation: Elly Schlein wanted to address right-wing ladies. It is not true that the rich vote to the left; the intellectual bourgeoisie does it; but the really rich, those who orient and influence their employees, for example, vote to the right; but many of them, especially the ladies, do not like Giorgia Melonimaybe they appreciate the stubbornness, but not the politics or even the style.

Elly Schlein at “Stasera C’è Cattelan” (photo Getty Images).

I don’t know if that was really Schlein’s intention, let alone if the objective was achieved. I remain convinced that the choice of medium was wrong. But perhaps the reader is not entirely wrong.

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All articles by Aldo Cazzullo

