What happens to the British monarchy after Queen Elizabeth?

Royal expert Sanna-Mari Hovi believes that there is a place for the monarchy, but in some ways it will change.

Queen Elizabeth, 96, is currently celebrating her 70th career as British ruler.

But what condition is the steel monarch really in? Is information being given to the people about the queen’s true health?

– Certainly, at the age of 100, there will already be a small glimmer of health and exercise.

– I can’t say whether the information is being obscured, but it is certainly the private matter that Elisabeth may not think she needs to share. His poorly slept nights or stoning hips are not among the others, a royal expert who visited IL-TV’s analysis studio Sanna-Mari Hovi says.

Queen Elizabeth has ruled Britain with an iron grip for 70 years. AOP

Hovi believes Elizabeth will remain in power until her death.

– He has inherited the idea that when you are born royal, you will take care of things to the end.

– There have certainly been some agreements on what to do if the Queen falls ill and is unable to perform her duties. Prince Charles would then become a viceroy. But the crown will not go directly to anyone before Elizabeth’s death, Hovi believes.

If the people are asked, the prince Williamista would like the next ruler instead of Charles. However, according to Hovi, this would not be possible without Charles formally relinquishing the crown.

There are always those who oppose the monarchy and consider it alive. Hovi believes that next time the future of the monarchy will be discussed in more detail after Elizabeth’s death.

Until then, the esteemed and beloved queen will receive everyone’s support.

– In his time, the people will not say that we really do not want to support you royals anymore.

– Personally, I believe that monarchies are necessary in today’s world for continuity and a sense of security. Without royals, England, for example, would suddenly lose its entire imperialist history, Hovi says.

On the other hand, the royal expert believes that renewal and modernization in the royal chambers will be seen.

– When Elisabeth is no longer with us, Charles may take a model from Sweden. Kaarle Kustaahan limited quite strongly who belonged to the royal house, that is, to whom all the taxpayers’ money goes.

Watch the analysis video from above!

Sanna-Mari Hovi has written two books on royals. Henri Kärkkäinen
