What happens if Spain doesn’t beat Scotland today?

10/12/2023 at 10:25 p.m.


Spain wins, for the moment, against Scotland (1-0) in the match being played at La Cartuja stadium

Scotland would be the outstanding leader with 15 points, while Spain would be placed in second position with 12 points

The Spanish selection is winning by the minimum against Scotland (1-0) in today’s qualifying match for the Euro 2024.

In case of not adding the three points today in the Cartuja of Seville, The team led by Luis de la Fuente would complicate their chances of finishing first in group A. in qualifying for Euro 2024.

Furthermore, with Norway’s victory against Cyprus (0-3), both Spain like the Norwegian team they would add a total of 10 points and with their direct match still to play. In fact, Norway and Spain They will face each other next Sunday, October 15 (8:45 p.m. CET) in a duel that could be key for the future of the group.

The ‘Red‘, yes, in addition to the match against Norway they still have one more match to play than Haaland’s team and would still have a chance to fight for second position.

What would almost certainly have been decided would be the first position in group A. It would be for Scotland if they manage to score one or three points in their clash against Spain.


Scotland: 15 points and 6 games

Spain: 12 points and 5 games

Norway: 10 points and 6 games

Georgia: 4 points and 5 games

Cyprus: 0 points and 6 games
