what fringes can be learned from the small parts of Belgium

Thanks to a new notice about the Eiffel Gates, they should have been taken roughly or by hand, and only the selected documents are left. Kunnen de fringes here iets leren van ons, les petits Belges?

Enid Vera PanchanaJuly 5, 202219:03

In 2008, for the 50th anniversary of the Atomium, Belgium realized a complete renovation of our national trots, with shiny balls as a result. Het monument was al even zijn glory lost. Een oplapbeurt drong zich op, maar het dossier bleef liggen. Finding money was the most important problem. “Typically Belgian”, says Guy Vanhengel, ex-minister for Open Vld. “Anything is preferred, no one can be held responsible.”

Net as the Atomium was the Eiffel Tower in principle and a specific construction for the Wereldtentoonstelling. Toen de Parijse toren in 1889 will be voltooid, will be watched dat hij twintig jaar zou meegaan. Het is then also not surprising that he now, sea then 130 years later, mankementen been vastgesteld. Uit vertrouwelijke rapporten which are given to the Franse magazine Marianne, bleek real dat he maar liefst 884 broken vastgesteld warvan he 68 een risico vormen voor de duurzaamheid van de constructie. Volgens experts is he maar één optie: the gates completely strip and describe. Now he amper 5 percent of the gates have been agreed. The remaining 245,000 square meters would have to be maintained for another five years, until the following ‘renovation’.

Before setting, the need that needs to be raised at the gates, it is necessary to close the gates before renovations are opted. Jaarlijks bezoeken z’n 6 mijoen mensen de 324 meters high ijzeren pilaar. Daarmee staat hij op de Vierde plaats van meest occupied cultural locations in Frankrijk, on Disneyland, the Louvre and the palace of Versailles.

Op the website of the Eiffel Gates was designed by Bertrand Lemoine, architect, engineer in historicus, a more optimistic view of the State of the Gates. Because of this, the Eiffel Gates, with a new length of time, are still available.

Een likje verf zal voorlopig mogelijk volstaan, vermoedt Vanhengel. Maar also in Parijs is financing an issue. The forced closing of the corona suffered in 2020 as a result of an income dungeon of 52 million euros. Wanneer sz Fransen de boel opnieuw dichtgooien voor renovation, lopen ze opnieuw tons of money mis.

As the Minister of Finance and the Committee of Beliris, an organization that realized the building, renovation and restoration projects, the Vanhengel erin het dossier op te lossen door simpelweg te refuse ergens mee akkoord te gaan zone dat the Atomium in the Belirisfonds will be opgenomen . After the 50th anniversary of the monument in 2008, the renovations will be realized. Vanhangel is scaffolded by the fringes where the necessary funds are added. “As a ze de Notre-Dame can restore, that must also wel hatch voor de Eiffeltoren. Want Frankrijk zou Frankrijk niet zijn zonder zijn toren.”
