“What does this mean for Wendy’s contract?”

Lex Uiting, one of the presenters of RTL Boulevard, is ruthless. He wonders what her daughter’s illness will mean for Wendy van Dijk’s TV contract.


Wendy van Dijk has immediately resigned from all her television work, because her daughter has a rare blood disease and it is better for her if the family isolates as much as possible. Terrible bad news of course, but in the meantime RTL Boulevard presenter Lex Uiting only wonders one thing: what does this mean for her TV career?

Wendy’s TV contract

Wendy’s TV contract with SBS 6 expires in the summer and there has been speculation for some time that an extension may not be on the horizon given her low viewing figures. She now has her only show that does score, Who of the Three on hold because of her turbulent private situation.

Lex Uiting, the presenter of RTL Boulevard, fears that this will have consequences for her television career. “What could this mean for the future of Who of the Three? Or even Wendy’s contract?”

Still far too early

Colleague Aran Bade is a bit shocked by it. He thinks Lex chooses the wrong timing to raise this question. “Yes, I actually think it’s far too early to think about that now.”

He continues: “In that sense, I think it is very strong of Talpa and also the producer that they did not say: ‘Well, it may not work due to time pressure, we will put someone else on it’, but they really said: ‘Take your time, we have respect and we are very shocked.’ I don’t think it has any consequences now.”

Not replaced?

Talpa is not exactly known for her moral compass, but in the case of Wendy, according to Aran, they seem to be doing the right thing by giving her time. “Health is paramount for Wendy van Dijk’s daughter in this case and if that is the presenter of your program, you hope that that is possible and that is possible at the moment.”

Frank Dane: “So she’s not going to be replaced in Who of the Three?”

Aran: “We don’t know. We did contact Talpa today, but they are extremely shocked and sympathize very much.”

No more than logical

It would be rather rude of Talpa to immediately put a replacement on Who of the Three, Aran thinks. “At the moment that is the information we have, but I really think it is only logical that at such a moment you say: ‘This is so incredibly painful and a tragedy for the family’, that you say: we put it on hold for a while.”
