what does the teacher do in elementary school

He is more than a tutor: here is everything you need to know about the Professor of Exercise and Sports Sciences in the fifth grade of primary school (elementary)

Valerio Piccioni

September 12

More than 2200 (almost all substitutes) new teachers, almost half a million students involved. Two additional hours for those who do not have full time, within the existing timetable for others. Then the challenge of contents, of the competition and of the multiplication of sportsmen (gyms and not only). Just over 444 thousand children will be baptized the great novelty of the 2022-2023 school season: the teacher of physical education in elementary school. After the start of last week in Alto Adige, today it will be the turn of Lombardy, Trentino, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Basilicata, Veneto, Piedmont and Abruzzo, then in the next few days the departures will be completed. The gates of the institutes will reopen and between the desks and the gyms (where they work and where they are…) these 2247 teachers will appear. All this will happen in 24,693 classes, the fifth grade. Then in a year it will be the fourth. So who knows. For now, the law is limited to the last two years of primary school, the rest will continue to be covered, for the training offer of motor science, by the Active Kids School of Sport and Health project, after the years of Motor Literacy and of class sports organized by Coni.


But the novelty lies precisely in the breaking of this pattern, at least for older children: the transition from the tutor, paid (compared to the other teachers, underpaid) and formed by an external subject (Sport and health today and Coni yesterday), outside the board of teachers, to a real teacher, with the same salary as the others, who will participate in the “periodic evaluation” of the student and who “is a full member of the teaching team”, as specified in the recent circular issued on Friday in the Cesarini area by the Ministry of Education and sent to the School Offices of the Territory.


It is a (half) revolution. Where the word in brackets is a limit born of questions about the system’s ability to fill the novelty with content. Contents and means. On the one hand, there is a didactic to be built. What is meant by sports science? In particular, some voices from the trade union world and from that of teachers already present in the school, denounce the risk of a school that is “performing rather than training” (see CGIL), in practice the possibility of an early sporting model. It will be up to the newly arrived teachers to find a balance point in the name of education and the discovery of movement, avoiding a “competitive” drift of teaching without however erasing the curiosities and suggestions caused by the “taste” of a new sport. . In the majority of cases, these are substitutes as there is no time to announce the competition.


Then there is the factor of gyms, or in any case places suitable for this didactic area: in the year of the post-Covid restart, which should allow the resumption of all activities even in the age groups of medium and high schools, there is the opportunity Pnrr with those 400 gyms (unfortunately few) that should be renovated with the 300 million allocated. But the theme also concerns the so-called unconventional spaces. Sport and health, for example, presented in the spring a pilot project that offers ten institutes in Naples and its province equipped spaces (courtyards or adjacent spaces) for schools without gyms. As you can see, the challenge of the advent of the motor teacher is surrounded by other matches, which must be won to give strength to the novelty.


The recent ministerial circular has however reassured at least in relation to some criticisms that emerged in recent months following the launch of the rules contained in the budget law by Draghi-Bianchi-Vezzali. In particular, it was further specified that the hours will be additional for normal time, while they may be in co-presence with the teacher or the generalist teacher in full time. One way to clarify that there is no risk of reducing hours and wages. The problem concerns how to equip the school, let’s think for example of transport given the lengthening of timetables, of the novelty. For those who have been hired with reduced hours, there will be the need to put together several schools and this may lead to some logistical problems (especially in areas with lower population density). But it is clear that to have a real “coupon” of the situation we will have to wait for some verification. Also because in some schools there is a certain confusion with school leaders who had planned one hour of teaching and not two, as per law, of physical education. Now it is hoped that, once the car is turned on, we can go in the right direction. The important thing is that we leave. Long last.
