What does talking about healing limits mean?

First we need to define the word limits, I define it simply as a border, which marks an inside and an outside, therefore, we can use it to mark countries, ideologies, norms, rules, places, processes in time, rights, links, etc.

When we mark the border of what is allowed and what is not allowed, these limits can be social, cultural or personal.

Human beings are born into a society and a specific family that establish their own limits, what should and should not, which is not the same as power. With growth, some of these social and family limits are incorporated into the mind of the growing child and adolescent, who will form their own system of rules following others already established in advance, or rejection may occur, as in the case of the famous psychopaths. .

Once we are adults we handle ourselves with a certain ease within certain margins, limits, to which we adhere sometimes out of conviction and other times due to repetitive inertia of the internal system, pure ego, commands, fears and anxieties that leave us in a quite uncomfortable comfort zone. for growth.

This is where I am interested in arriving, in order to talk about healing limits, we need to recognize:

– what are our own internal codes that we need to respect to truly feel in harmony with our choices.

-What are our possibilities of action and what do we have for it?

-What are we willing to make more flexible about ourselves and what are we not willing to do, to establish healthy relationships?

-Accept what belongs to us by right and what does not belong to us

-Recognize what our strengths are to face necessary changes when some internal limit is outgrowing us, for example, when our children get older, control must decrease with age and possibilities.

-Recognize our body as our first limit to be able to accept and love ourselves

So I propose that you make a small list in no more than 5 minutes to explore these limits:

What do you do with your time?

How do you behave with your possibilities and efforts?

Where do you focus your vital energy?

How is your self-acceptance working?

With love Paola. Instagram psic.paolavarelaituarte

www.laeducacionparaelser.com.ar online attention and teachings.

By understanding our limitations we are much more relaxed, we gain quality of life every time we ask ourselves before doing, does this add to my well-being or discomfort? In this way we are being respectful of ourselves and our current limits.

The limits depend on our intentions, so we can always choose to Love ourselves and others more and better.



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