What does radioactivity do nu prices met je lichaam?

“We’re going to see it very closely, because we can’t do it, we’ll have to deal with it,” says Wout Moerman, who is well versed in the field. “Veel mensen weten niet prices what he is.” From dat te begrijpen, we want to know about the small bouwblokjes was everything om ons heen uit bestaat: atoms. The core of the atoms can be considered to be the same as the core of the atoms. As zo’n overtollig deeltje shoots away, then we noem dat straling. “It regularly births in de natuur. Also, there is a lot of radio activity. We noemen dat dan natuurlijke radioactivity”, puts Moerman uit.

When the natural radioactivity is such that there are needle effects for our gezondheid, because when he was in the middle of the day there was no zoveel straling ons lichaam, then it was duidelijk. “Mensen were on the wrong term and increased on the long term and there was a larger chance of not being able to see. We are concerned about the excess of atomic bombs from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With higher blood pressure on a beam, you can only have one child within the next two years”, Aldus Moerman.

When there is an explosion, there is a cloud with radioactive substances in the air. “The fabrics have been taken with the wind and the curtains then other things have been done.” The radioactive substances can then be sent forward. That was also done at the core ramp in 1986 in Tsernobyl.

“Het gevaar is in te perken door ramen en deuren te houden dan houd je het radioactive material built.” In zo’n wolk zit also radioactive iodine. If this is the case, the shield anchors can be installed. The slicken of iodine tablets can have the effect.
