What does NRC | You can only express anger in November in the voting booth

Is the Netherlands asking the impossible of its politicians? That could be the idea, now that an entire generation has announced its departure from the Binnenhof, from MPs to ministers and the prime minister.

What is striking is that not only is openly discussed about the pressure of work, but also about the pressure from outside and about what that does to one’s own environment. Threats – the number doubled in 2022 compared to a year earlier – are cited as the reason for the resignation. Not only is there anonymous abuse on social media, but politicians have been visited at home.

The absolute lows were the torchbearer who stood in front of the house of Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag (D66), and the farmers who came to seek redress from Minister of Nature and Nitrogen Christiane van der Wal (VVD). But also think of the way MP Pieter Omtzigt was annoyingly followed on the street, MP Sylvana Simons (BIJ1) is treated aggressively, Caroline van der Plas (BBB) ​​had to cancel public performances. To the threats to Minister Hugo de Jonge (CDA) because of the corona policy, the extra security that Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD) received.

Read also: What happened to Kaag as a politician reflects on other women

Perhaps there are voters who cheer that a certain politician has announced his or her departure. There are keyboard knights who point out that not all politicians receive hate mail, that not all politicians who are threatened resign. That especially female politicians and/or politicians of color cry crocodile tears and have to grow an elephant skin. That misogynistic labels like ‘witch’ are part of it. If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. That kind of language.

But therein lies the greatest danger. Parliament, states and municipal councils – local politicians are also increasingly under threat – must be a reflection of society. In political views, in background, in gender, age and life experience. But also in character.

The voter should not want his representatives to consist only of people who are not touched, who are insensitive, who have a certain hardness. Who have no family or live only for their work. Those who have to go on the street with strict security – Geert Wilders (PVV) has been doing this for almost twenty years, and let him remain the worrying exception.

Of course there are people who now raise their hands and want to get into politics. But there is also an unknown group that sees what it means to be politically active, and therefore chooses not to become politically and administratively active. In this way, the whole of the Netherlands becomes the loser of what a number of idiots do.

Now that an entire generation is leaving the Binnenhof, either voluntarily or because of the election results, politicians have a unique opportunity to show that things can no longer go on like this. By continuing to debate on content, by not attacking each other on social media, and by not pitting groups from society against each other.

And by unanimously condemning threats, from whatever quarter they come. Threats are not part of political office, nor any other public function. Everyone can and may continue to differ in opinion, but anger is expressed on the Malieveld or in November in the voting booth.
