What does it take to be an influencer?

According to the Influencity platform, in the last two years investment in influencers for the development of marketing campaigns has quadrupled. The portal spread that, in 2022, the segment moved 30,000 million dollars worldwide, of which the country took almost 20 percent. “Brands are investing more and more in influencers. Something that eight years ago was seen as temporary, is consolidating as an established advertising channel that companies have to join”, he maintains. Juan Camposfounder of JC Marketing.

Faced with this scenario, several companies began to pay attention to this emerging sector and prepare a hiring standard based on how to choose the influencer, how much money is assigned, what type of content should be produced and which ones to avoid. Other doubts are the parameters that indicate which figure to work with, until how much to pay for a post and if a live or a story is more effective.

One of the qualities of social media is versatility and dynamism, because just as the number of followers of an account is constantly changing, the algorithm and content consumption trends are also changing. In Argentina, it is estimated that there are 36 million people in various social networksactive users who spend more than 3 hours and 20 minutes a day on different platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok, according to research.

That large portion of users, at some point of navigability, will find one or more campaigns carried out by the so-called influencers. Hence the importance of this strategy known as “Influencer Marketing”, where a brand communicates by the hand of a user with personality and arrival. For this reason, to find the “influencer indicated”companies seek advice from specialized agencies and consultancies.

“Transparency and credibility. That it be genuine: that you do not see him as someone who is selling you something, but simply telling you about his day-to-day life”, he explains fields and adds: “You must also propose a lifestyle accordingly: we have to feel reflected. Perhaps what influences you does not challenge me. Depending on the values ​​you have, you will feel represented in the networks by one figure or another. Your influencer has to speak the same language as your brand. They must be culturally aligned. What you are going to ask of the influencer is to be the bridge between your company and consumers”.

Santiago Maratea

According to this reading, one of the most tangible examples is santi maratea, which the director of JC Marketing explains: “He gets the best results, he can raise millions because people believe him.” In this aspect, the success of the influencer is visible, by having more interaction, it achieves identification with its public. “If Coca Cola wants to sell me a product, I don’t receive it in the same way as if someone I trust shows me the same thing. That is why influencers have so much power in communication”, exemplifies Campos.

The influencer’s communication involves talking about their problems and showing themselves as “normal” people. Even being a celebrity, you can come to see yourself as someone close and with daily problems. At present, many reality television participants, who had their hours and minutes of fame, decide to go down that path in search of future sponsors.

From the point of view of the sponsor, the size of the business marks “the size” of the influencer. There are four categories of influencers based on the number of followers: Nano-influencers with 1,000 to 10,000; micro with 10,000 to 100,000; macro with 100,000 to 1 million; and mega with more than 1 million. Definitely, The reach of the influencer is what will define its cache. However, whoever wants to invest in it must verify that the profiles of the followers are true.


In addition, in the current trend, the algorithm tends to become more complex and for this reason new arrival methods are imposed, which implies a new content development. He live shopping is one of the most recent, the influencer broadcasts live, from a store, to show the products in real time and thus generate credibility, with a clear and direct message.

“To figure out some numbers, profiles with more than 5 million followers, for a post accompanied by some stories, they ask for 2 million pesos. If the account has between 1 million and 5; the publication is between 500,000 and one million pesos. Profiles between 500,000 and 1 million followers; They can charge from 300,000 to 500,000 pesos. More micro profiles, between 100,000 and 500,000 followers; an average of 200,000 base pesos. Finally, the nanoinfluencers, with a maximum of 100,000 followers; between 50,000 and 200,000 pesos”, concludes the digital marketing specialist, offering an estimate of how much an influencer currently earns.

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