What does it mean to have Venus in Capricorn in the birth chart?

IS austere, no doubt. Essential and stubborn. She looks snobbish, but it’s the stiff bearing that makes her aloof. Since she was born she has called anyone. Even to the bees that go around on her cradle. Mercury is also kept at arm’s length.

The constellation Capricornus, from “Uranometria” (1603) by Johann Bayer (photo Getty Images)

Those born with this Venus know their stuff, never give in to silly sentimentality. He doesn’t bluff, he doesn’t sell out feelings. It doesn’t do it for the simple fact that “I love you” is a precious word, a rare material to keep. And it is uttered only in the long periods of reflection, after a methodical reasoning.

Venus in Capricorn is a diesel in love, falls in love calmly and cold-bloodedly. She never loses her mind like Venus in Aries, nor does he resort to the sensual strategies of Scorpio. He hates the femininity that he stuns with his doublets.

That’s enough, he has no time to waste. She arrived together with Mercury to give a hand to Capricorn who, after a difficult summer, needs serious attention. Facts count for her, and in the silence of this mid-December she lays out a constructive program on the table that will also be useful to Taurus and Virgo.

She moves with lucidity and self-control, since she was a child she has been used to managing emotions. Everyone in the Firmament is in awe of this Venus, but no one has ever understood that she, really she, the Queen of Narnia of the Zodiac, would have a great need to be influenced.

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