What does a funeral actually cost? This way you will find out in a few minutes

A funeral or cremation: not a subject you probably think about every day. Still, it’s reassuring to know how much money a future funeral would actually cost. For example, you know whether you should save for this or put money aside in a deposit fund. CUVO Uitvaartzorg has a handy calculator online.

An average funeral costs between 5,000 and 7,000 euros, the CUVO team says. But what is an average funeral? The costs of a cremation or burial depend very much on your wishes. “We think transparency of costs is very important. That’s why we have the online CUVO Calculator made with which you can easily calculate the funeral costs.”

Record your wishes

Would you opt for a modest farewell or do you want your relatives to celebrate life in a big way? At CUVO Uitvaartzorg they are happy to explain to you what is possible. The consultants have years of experience and can both support and advise you. There is quite a lot to choose from and you can design your funeral exactly as you want, from a sustainable to a Hindu variant.

Have you gotten an idea of ​​how you envision your future funeral and the costs involved? Then it is of course nice to hear your wishes to be fixed in order to burden your surviving relatives as little as possible.

This is how you can finance a funeral

Then you can think about financing. You can set aside money yourself every month, but it might be even more convenient CUVO Deposit Fund: “You decide for yourself what amount you put aside and receive annual interest on this, often more than at the bank.”

make an appointment

Has this article inspired you to record your wishes or put money aside for your funeral? Maybe you can’t see the wood for the trees anymore. Then make a non-binding one appointment with a CUVO funeral consultant. They like to think along with you.
