What do you think: In busy places, the mouth cap should be mandatory again

Now that the number of corona infections has increased in recent weeks, Health Minister Ernst Kuipers must ‘take his responsibility’. This appeal is made by ‘concerned citizens and experts’. Especially in crowded public places, such as in essential shops and public transport, protective measures should be applied again, according to the group, in order to protect the vulnerable in society.

The experts include members of the former Red Team, which contradicted the Outbreak Management Team and the cabinet during previous corona waves. In the AD they threaten to go to the Institute for Human Rights if the minister does not take measures. “We are now seeing a violation of fundamental rights in many areas,” the group said. “That’s really not allowed.”

“Even in many hospitals and nursing homes, face masks are not mandatory. As a result, people with fragile health or disabilities run the risk of becoming seriously ill,” says field epidemiologist Amrish Baidjoe. Face masks are still the norm in surrounding countries. And by taking protective measures now, more serious (economic) consequences can be prevented, according to the group of experts.

Should the mouth cap be mandatory again? Let us know below,
