What do you think: I can do without a car

Bus, bicycle, train, walking or maybe you have a private helicopter. Can you do without the car? People outside the big cities are increasingly dependent on the car, research shows. The distances to work, social network and facilities are increasing and public transport offers less and less a good alternative.

The Knowledge Institute for Mobility Policy writes that the car is losing its appeal in the large cities. This is due to numerous alternatives to the car, but also to parking regulation and because the time saved by car is decreasing. Car ownership per inhabitant has therefore fallen over the past decade in central urban areas. This has increased in rural areas.

Just over a third of people in the most urban areas say they are increasingly dependent on the car. In rural areas this is almost twice as high, at 64 percent. And from a study by the knowledge institute, one in three respondents says that owning a car is not a free choice, but an absolute necessity.

What do you think?

How are you? Is the car a necessity for you, or can you do without your biscuit tin on four wheels?
