What do you think: Hoogeveen should not succumb to threats and remove the inverted flags

Hoogeveen municipality officials are under threat for removing inverted flags from municipal property such as lampposts. Hundreds of Dutch flags hang in Hoogeveen, which symbolize the farmers’ protest.

The municipality does not want to say anything about the nature of the threats and how many people are involved. Hoogeveen does take the threats seriously. “In all cases we will contact the police.” According to Dagblad van het Noorden, employees of the customer contact center are being threatened with death. There are also threats to disclose information from officials. It is not clear from which quarter the threats come.

Last week, the municipality announced that it wanted to remove the inverted flags. Owners were given until 2 p.m. Friday to remove the flags themselves. If that didn’t happen, the council would do that. The decision made a big difference. Last Monday, the municipality announced that it would hang the flags for the time being. This is also the case in neighboring De Wolden.

Do you think it is understandable that the municipality has suspended the action for the time being? Or do you think Hoogeveen should not succumb to the threats? Respond to our statement.
