What do you recommend eating to reduce bad cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a substance similar to fat found in all cells of the body. It is in normal conditions to produce hormones, vitamin D and to produce bile salts that help in the digestion of food”, explains the nutritionist candela lepera.

In this regard, cholesterol is essential for normal brain development and for the synthesis of certain hormones, as well as being a precursor of vitamin D. In short, cholesterol itself is an ally. It only becomes an enemy when it is found in excess in our body. But there are two types of cholesterol, the formally known as HDL and LDL cholesterol.

The so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol, whose medical name is LDL, is one of the main risk factors for suffering a myocardial infarction because, in excess, LDL cholesterol tends to deposit on the wall of the arteries, causing their progressive thickening and hardening, that is, atherosclerosis. If nothing is done about it, over time true plaques can form that obstruct blood flow and can even block it. Furthermore, the plaques can form a thrombus, which in turn can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

On the other hand, HDL cholesterol, on the other hand, is “good” because it cleans the floor of the arteries, sweeping away “grease stains”, so it has a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. The “correct” values ​​in studies differ from person to person depending on age and risk factors, but generally the recommendation is that total cholesterol be less than 200 mg/dl, ‘bad’ cholesterol is less than 116 mg/dl, and ‘good’ cholesterol is between 40 and 70 mg/dl.

“It is true that most of the cholesterol (around 80%) is what we produce due to our personal genetic profile,” he explains. Ilaria Prandoni, biologist and nutritionist at the Palazzo della Salute of the San Donato Group“but it has been seen that the daily quota of cholesterol ingested also modifies the genetic levels of production”.

  What to eat to reduce bad cholesterol

“When looking to lower the LDL cholesterol is proposed to lower the intake of foods that are a source of cholesterol, such as, for example, red meat from beef or pork and the amount of whole eggs”, says Lepera and adds: “It is proposed that the patient eat more chicken, fish and egg whites egg, weekly portion control is also offered. Besides, the consumption of legumes, fruits and vegetables should be increased, which, by having fiber, helps to eliminate cholesterol through fecal matter. Another variant is the consumption of oat bran, together with the seeds and the dried fruit, which helps to eliminate it”.

“Must be avoid eating sausages, such as salami or chorizo, cold cuts and offal. When choosing red meats, we recommend rump, loin ball, brisket or shoulder; in pork, sirloin or ribs are suggested. Although they are red meat, it has less fat in the cut. You should also avoid eating bakery products, which are sometimes made with preparation fat or are fried in fat,” warns the Argentine nutritionist.

Finally, the specialist Candela Lepera concludes: “A comprehensive treatment should be considered, with the help of stress management, incorporating physical activity, ceasing tobacco use (in the case of smokers), everything contributes to improving laboratory results. It is also known that when weight control is achieved, this helps to normalize cholesterol values. So you’re also looking for a healthy weight.”

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