What do you need for a cycling holiday? ‘It’s really not complicated’

Although the sun-sea-beach holidays and city trips are still the most popular, the popularity of cycling holidays has been on the rise for years. In Hoogeveen on 10 June there is an information day for and by holiday cyclists.

What is the charm and appeal of multi-day cycling tours through the Netherlands or Europe? According to the paddlers themselves, it is the freedom, the tranquility, the fitness, the adventure, the meeting. Bad weather? Well, acceptance.

In 2021, the Dutch made 1.9 million bicycle treks in their own country alone, according to figures from Fietsplatform Nederland. More than half of those holiday cyclists come from households without children. About 33 percent cycle through our country with their family.

It is not known how many compatriots make a cycling trip in or through Europe, but the website Fietsvakanties.nl already lists more than 500 cycling trips in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Austria, among others.

Growing interest

Hetty and Erik Luppes of the Drentse Fietsers, a website about cycling routes and holidays, notice the growing interest in the multi-day hikes on the iron steed. “There is a weekly demand for our booklets about cycling tours through Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland,” says Hetty.

On Saturday 10 June, the Hoogeveen couple will hold the Bicycle Holiday Inspiration Day for the first time in the Pet bookstore on the Hoofdstraat in Hoogeveen. An informative day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the novice and experienced holiday cyclist.

The idea for this day arose during the Fiets en Wandelbeurs in Utrecht this spring. Erik and Hetty held a number of successful lectures there. ,,We received many questions about cycling holidays, about the right material, about the routes, about camping.”


Because what are you taking? And what especially not? How do you get everything in those few panniers? Hetty: ,,It is a misunderstanding that cycling holidays are very difficult or complicated. That’s really not the case. You don’t need much, but make sure you have good and light stuff.”

The inspiration day should introduce new holiday cyclists to the phenomenon in an accessible way. Experienced cyclists talk about their adventures and experiences. There are also lectures about cycling in the Netherlands and abroad. The speakers mostly come from Hoogeveen and the surrounding area.

A number of local companies advise on the best materials. What are suitable bicycles, bags, clothing and camping gear? There are also books with adventurous travel stories.

Cycling virus

Hetty and Erik Luppes have gradually become infected with the cycling virus. ,,We sometimes rode a round on the mountain bike in the Netherlands and later on holiday in Austria”, says Hetty. There they came into contact with cyclists who traveled through the country at the campsite. “Their stories have inspired us.”

They now cycle about 6,000 to 7,000 kilometers annually. To Prague, Rome, Nice, Budapest. ,,But we can also enjoy a round on the Dwingelderveld”, says Hetty. In the future they hope to make another bicycle tour through America.

E bike

The introduction of the e-bike has made multi-day cycling trips possible for a much wider target group. “Cycling uphill or longer distances now requires less effort. This has also boosted its popularity, as has the focus on sustainability and the climate. It’s also a little back to the roots .”

Hetty and Erik Luppes hope that the Cycling Holiday Inspiration Day will return annually. ,,A first time like this is quite exciting, we don’t know how many people will come. The first reactions are positive.”

Admission on June 10 is free. Hetty: ,,And come by bike.”
