What do you know? “Kapot wijnglas likes niet in de glasbol” | Wetenschap & Planet

Radio 2 presenter Peter Van de Veire wrote a long photo of a trip to the glass on Instagram and was promptly called by the fingers from his grandchildren, who had broken the glass and had spotted it. Van de Veire schrok: hoezo likes a glass not in the glass?

That doesn’t really matter, confirms Jan Verheyen, the word voice of OVAM (Openbare Vlaamse Afvalstoffenmaatschappij), maandag on Radio 2. The talk is the Wijnglazen vaak gemaakt zijn van kristalglas. A glazed oven dish, heat-resistant glass, can also be found in the glass.

Damage to the recycling processes

“Sommige drinkglazen, vooral kristalglas, zijn badlijk voor het recyclingproces,” says Verheyen uit bij ‘Goeiemorgen Morgen!’. “Kapotte drinkglazen gooi je daarom bij het restafval.” A matter of fact, you know that, you still don’t know what was wrong. Verder weten de meeste mensen wel dat things as porseleinen servies of aardewerk niet in de glasbol hearen. Toch belanden he geregeld cups, borden en vazen ​​in of naast de bol.

Beeld ter illustratie. © Service Duurzaamheid Lochristi

Bij het restafval

What do you want to say to what? Bij het restafval. “Of breng het naar the recyclage park, of zet het apart buiten als dit in je meeente apart wordt ingezameld,” Aldus Verheyen. Shards of a mirror are of a special design. They are not in the glass, but they are also not at rest. The army needs to go to the container park anyway.

He still knows that the words are made in the same way as they are, with external containers for the rest, and never with a zakken. Heb jij nog wel een afvalzak and will you ever avoid the afvalophalers from mogelijks bezeren? Wrap the shards in scrap paper before they are taken away.

Doppen and deksels

Tot slot nog één ding: “As soon as the glass flows and the bottle goes away, he then also has the dop of the cover af,” says Verheyen. “That’s what you hear from the PMD-afval. I’m sure the glass will be processed.”

KIJK OOK. Houd kurken bij tens feestdagen om te recycler
