What do you do with the Russians in your bookcase? Art in times of war and the latest cultural offerings | podcast honored audience

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Imagine: you come to Groningen to study at the Prince Claus Conservatoire. Your dream is to live for the music. Then Russia – your country – invades Ukraine, a country where you have family, where friends of yours live and the sanctions freeze your account. If you say that Russia – your country – is at war, you risk years in prison in your own country. It happens to jazz guitar student Oleg Maximov. He talks about it in the new episode of ‘Highly Honored Audience’.

In addition to war and art, Kirsten van Santen and guest presenter Jacob Haagsma talk about much more: Anita Terpstra’s new book about the Frisian pauper paradise: Harkema, all the upcoming festivals, the first being Grasnapolsky this weekend, the Literaire Hemel that descends again in Amen with an audience, the new performance by Joost Oomen & Kruidkoek and a song by Nederpoptalent Faske.

What you should definitely not miss is Asing’s column, with a beautiful flute solo of the Ukrainian national anthem and the question: what to do with all the Russians in the bookcase?

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